Thursday, August 27, 2020
Nursing Crisis Intervention: Stroke
Nursing Crisis Intervention: Stroke Stroke is a worldwide issue of the expanding older populace. As per the Department of Health (2007a), stroke is the third driving reason for death in the UK, with in excess of 110,000 people succumbing to a stroke every year at an expense to the National Health Services surpassing  £2.8 billion. The Stroke Association (2007) places this number at 130,000 with a death rate at 67,000 every year, including backhanded expenses of  £1.8 billion and expenses for casual medicinal services following stroke at  £2.4 billion. Rate of stroke is similarly as pervasive somewhere else, for example, in the United States where, as the third driving reason for US passings (Becker Wira 2006; Nolan Naylor 2003) stroke is the main source of handicap (Becker Wira 2006; Stroke Association as refered to by Amber 2003, p. 316; Stroke Association 2007). Becker and Wira (2006) express the occurrence of stroke inside the United States is 400,000 people for each year with a foreseen development to more th an 1 million yearly stroke casualties by 2050. The American Stroke Association (as refered to by Amber 2003, p. 316) states â€Å"every 45 seconds, somebody in America has a stroke. Each 3.1 minutes, somebody bites the dust of one.†Nolan and Naylor (2003) express a normal of 35,000 people languish strokes when hospitalized over other disconnected ailments. Such was the situation for Ms. C., who endured an ischemic stroke while hospitalized for a pacemaker embed. As the unit nurture allocated to think about Ms. C., unobtrusive indications of her stroke were seen and answered to the Code Gray[1] group for guaranteed reaction. The numerous jobs of a unit nurture within the sight of an emergency are indispensable in giving sufficient consideration to her patient, remembering the need to keep up a quiet air for the substance of bedlam. Various quick physical appraisals must be performed including the utilization of the FAST criteria[2] (Mathiesen et al, 2006), reaction groups must be alarmed and the attendant must keep the patient quiet and arranged all through the whirlwind of action that can without much of a stretch miracle an older person. While all crises call for quick reaction, it is much increasingly basic on account of stroke when, if the patient is qualified for recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA)[3] a nitty gritty physical history and assessment, a neurological appraisal, processed tomography (CT) examine and extra blood wo rk must be performed before hopeless harm from the stroke happens. With an attention on understanding effect and nursing intercessions, this paper will introduce the contextual analysis of Ms. C. Case introduction Ms. C., a 78-year-old, wandering, Caucasian female was admitted to the emergency clinic for the substitution of a cardiovascular pacemaker. Ms. C. was bereaved 5 years preceding her present hospitalization and lived alone having two hitched youngsters living in Scotland and Wales. Preceding confirmation Ms. C. was determined to have hypertension (HBP), elevated cholesterol, was diabetic, and was on pharmaceutical prescription for every one of the three conditions. In spring 1995, Ms. C. had repetitive episodes of tachycardia substituting with bradycardia. Following an endeavor to control the circumstance through pharmaceutical intercession, her cardiologist suggested she get a cardiovascular pacemaker; which was embedded without complexity that year. She reports staying healthy since that time; albeit extra clinical notes show the beginning of dementia, as she seems confounded on occasion. Upon confirmation, vitals were ordinary, except for her circulatory strain (BP) which was 175/95. Her doctor requested Ms. C. be begun on Losartan[4]. Resulting vitals demonstrated a vacillation in BP running from a low of 170/90 at 1AM to a high of 195/110 at 10AM. As Ms. C. was not reacting to drug or liquid adjusting suggested by her doctor and her BP kept on climbing, her cardiologist delayed medical procedure until her BP was managed. At 11:48am, when taking Ms. C.’s vitals, she seemed confounded, her discourse was slurred, there was slight facial hang and she was unable to broaden her arm for the circulatory strain sleeve. At 11:50am a Code Gray alarm was sounded. Effect on the patient While evaluating the effect on the patient when a stroke happens, the medical attendant must know about the suggestions on an assortment of levels, including organic, mental and sociological. On account of Ms. C., there were extra ramifications for each of these because of the blend of her low-level, yet dynamic dementia. Organic changes in an ischemic stroke (affirmed by the CT check rather than hemorrhagic) were the consequence of a thrombolytic impediment at the cerebral supply route branch point because of atherosclerosis. On the cell level, neuronal harm happens when neurons become depolarized and take into account excessive measures of calcium to cross the cell layer that eventually prompts a demolition of said cell film and different structures inside the neuron (Becker Wira 2006). Becker and Wira (2006) additionally remark on the neuronal harm brought about by free radical, arachidonic corrosive and nitric corrosive age that happens during the ischemic cascade[5]. Hereditary actuation additionally happens and prompts the creation of cytokines because of and as a reason for aggravation that can â€Å"consume†the ischemic obscuration (Becker Wira 2006). On the off chance that one can restrain the level of injury to the ischemic obscuration situated inside the origami, the level of change less harm because of the ischemic scene is restricted and is the objective of prompt stroke reaction (Becker Wira 2006). A mix of indicative research facility tests[6] and fast nursing appraisals would be required to evaluate the degree of harm. Despite the fact that the Code Gray methodology is outfitted towards quick reaction to take into account overseeing t-PA inside the three-hour window, Ms. C. was not qualified for t-PA treatment because of her uncontrolled hypertension (Bonnono et al. 2000, p. 300). The mental effect on Ms. C was the most sensational as her post-stroke status left her more befuddled and dreadful than one may discover in a strike casualty due to the comorbid dementia. Notwithstanding being scared of the obscure and feeling alone as a widow and without her youngsters present, Ms. C. felt sold out by her body and didn’t comprehend what was befalling her or why. Mentally Ms. C. must be resisted the urge to panic and be helped to remember what was happening and why, with such situating remarks as â€Å"You will be analyzed by Dr. X†or â€Å"You will have a test done that won’t hurt you. There is no should be apprehensive; I’ll be with you to guarantee you’re safe.†With the obscure of any perception shortages brought about by the stroke it was likewise essential to remind other colleagues that Ms. C. had issues with disarray and that it was significant â€Å"for patients with dementia specifically to comprehend what is goin g to happen to them†(Cunningham McWilliam 2006, p. 14). Cunningham and McWilliam (2006, p. 14) recommend that nursing staff must repay in their correspondence with dementia patients and this regularly expects medical attendants to re-organize their errands and feeling of instantaneousness so as to offer the patient the best degree of mental or potentially passionate help. Lipley (2005) states one of the most significant nursing assignments is offering backing to a stroke tolerant. The sociological effect identifying with Ms. C.’s emergency was restricted for the short term while hospitalized, in spite of the fact that she showed that she needed her kids reached and mentioned they go to the clinic. The greatest sociological change and difficulties confronting Ms. C. would be following her release from the emergency clinic. Contingent upon the measure of all out harm experienced her stroke and the ensuing advancement with treatment to recapture lost usefulness, it was likely that Ms. C. would migrate to either live with one of her youngsters as well as settle in a home for the matured. This necessary the medical attendant to contact a social specialist to support Ms. C. with her alteration. Suggestions for the association One of the six key objectives set up by the Department of Health’s National Stroke Strategy (2007b) is to â€Å"accelerate the crisis reaction to stroke and improve coordination between various organizations and experts included including through improved access to CT scanning.†Fortunately, the emergency clinic where Ms. C. endured her stroke agreed to this objective and had a Code Gray group gathered. National Health Services (2007) approximates 90 percent of clinics in England as readied to regulate specific stroke administrations. The quantity of stroke casualties is expanding each year. The medical caretakers must know about required mediations. This paper has featured the ischemic stroke and patient effects, just as those on the association and medical attendant. The diagrams underneath presents required nursing mediations in light of an inpatient stroke. Reference Golden, R., Watkins, W., 2003. The people group effect of Code Gray. Basic Care Nursing Quarterly, 26 (4), pp. 316-322. Becker, J. U. Wira, C., R. 2006. Stroke, Ischemic [Online]. Accessible from: [cited March 16 2007]. Bonnono, C., Criddle, L. M., Lutsep, H., Stevens, P., Kearns, K., Norton, R., 2000. Emergi-ways and stroke groups: A crisis division way to deal with intense ischemic stroke. Diary of Neuroscience Nursing, 32 (6), pp. 298-305. Cunningham, C. McWilliam, K., 2006. Thinking about individuals with dementia in AE. Crisis Nurse, 14 (6), pp. 12â€16. Branch of Health, 2007a. Stroke [Online]. Branch of Health. Accessible from [cited March 16, 2007]. Branch of Health, 2007b. Building up a national stroke system [Online]. Branch of Health. Accessible from
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Living with Mental Disorders free essay sample
A conversation of the ramifications of living with mental turmoil, including clinical issues and the truth of day by day life. Utilizing ADHD for instance, this paper talks about issues identified with living with mental disarranges. Determination and clinical concerns are tended to. The truth of living with such a confusion and its effect on different parts of every day living, for example, school, work and social working are inspected. For a long time the field of brain science has had clinical rules set for it in the diagnosing of mental issue. The DSM-IV records side effects and measures required to analyze certain psychological issue and it clarifies how those clutters show themselves restoratively. When the turmoil is analyzed in any case, there are regularly every day life modifications and suggestions that are found also. The treatment of a psychological issue includes a legitimate and intensive conclusion as well as treatment that comprehends the day by day ramifications of having a psychological issue. We will compose a custom exposition test on Living with Mental Disorders or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page
Friday, August 21, 2020
Dbq India vs Japanese Workers Cotton Industry
Japan and India during the 1880s-1930s had numerous similitudes, for example, same monetary change from automation to treatment and installment of the workers in the cotton business, in any case, contrasts in laborers on social sexual orientation and business rates. The Western impacts of automation from Industrialized nations expanded the two economies of India and Japan through the expansion creation of cotton. Records 1 and 2 is solid information on the grounds that the source being of taught authorities.In India cotton expanded by multiplied measure of its unique creation as found in Document 1, however this just would’ve occurred by filling employment opportunities the machines accompanied based off the proof in report 6. The Indian market analyst, Mukerjee, is supportive of the private financial specialists for carrying automation to India since it will build exchange all through the worldwide exchange systems interfacing India to more pieces of the world.Although Japan was later motorized in cotton creation, its expansion of cotton yarn from year 1884 to 1914 held higher rate than, taking everything into account Japanese economies likewise increased a superior benefit which would prompt associations with different pieces of the world by sending out cotton. The huge measure of creation in the cotton business had representatives from the working and lower class.Contained in Document 5, Japanese cotton enterprises paid their laborers exceptionally low wages by exploiting the excess of individuals having the status of joblessness, a result of this is conceivable private enterprise so the specialist couldn't set aside cash and attempt to begin his very own business. In examination, India paid low wages in result to free enterprise too, yet in addition allows a laborer for just two years most extreme since conceivable over-use of laborers lessening speed creation spoke to in Document 9.A record from a plant proprietor containing the benefits over the ho ur of the cotton blast would be useful in understanding the wages of representatives being so low since its conceivable the proprietor had minimal expenditure to give after buyingthe machines to deliver cotton and furthermore to restitution its speculators. With all the new motorization and joblessness on the high, organizations recruited numerous laborers. In any case, Japan recruited monster measures of ladies contrasted with India.Indian laborers in the cotton business for the most part comprise of guys in light of the fact that when under British decision, ladies and kids had work laws where they could just work certain measure of hours that was not as much as guys. Report 7 subtleties the decay of ladies representatives of years 1909-1934 in view of these laws set up. In any case, Document 7 shows Japanese consistency of rate in ladies representatives on the grounds that the Japanese society didn’t have any work laws and ladies were less expensive to pay.Japanese familie s lived in neediness and considered their to be as an approach to have another wellspring of pay, as a result of resource cultivating most provincial Japanese ranchers sent their little girls to work to benefit the family in finish of record 4. We are given in report 3 the treatment and conditions on japanese laborers through an individual reviewing. The recognition of her sister who passed on in view of the work conditions could have modified her story, making the manufacturing plant work appear to be a lot of more terrible than what it may have been.However, on the off chance that we had acquire an extra record containing a similar standard of an Indian specialist in the cotton business demonstrating how life was in the industrial facilities we could all the more likely thoroughly analyze the two nations work life. An individual letter to the laborers family could show misrepresentation of production line life like the one in Japan making an all the more reasonable correlation. Re port 8 and 10 both photographs taken by legitimate documentors shows dependable source as archives. Both speaking to an image of how production line functioning resembled in India and Japan with various sexual orientation laborers between the two countries.India anyway in record 10 is utilizing automated machines contrasted with archive 8 where ladies are handweaving cotton. In report 10 we can see more measure of yarn contrasted with 8 demonstrating India flourishing quicker at that point in Japan production lines that aren’t automated at this point. The 1880s-1930s was where their was a monetary lift for both Japan and India just as business rises yet compensation stay for the laborers, anyway these nations contrasted on the laborers they utilized on sexual orientation and sums.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Importance of Freedom in Chopin’s “The Story of an Hourâ€Â
Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour†grabs its readers from the start and creates an unexpected twist at the end of the short story. Louise Mallard is given the news that her husband has died in a terrible train accident. To her surprise, he arrives home and â€Å"did not even know there had been one†(Chopin, 607). Upon the death of Louise who once believes she was a widow only to find that her husband is still alive, the confusion begins. The death of Louise is questioned by many critics as a state of shock, depression, and sadness. However, Mark Cunningham’s criticism of Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour†states that her death was instead a discovery of freedom from the physical strains of her marriage with her husband and societal views†¦show more content†¦She was finally free, and therefore did not want to jeopardize it by expressing her feelings too soon. Upon looking out the window Louise saw that â€Å"there wer e patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds that had met and piled one above the other in the west facing her window†(Chopin, 607). The blue sky symbolizes the sadness in her life from her marriage and the clouds piling over this blue sky represents the fact that the sadness in her life was finally fading away and her happiness was finally being reached with the passing of her husband. Louise, â€Å"whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on one of those patches of blue sky†(Chopin, 607) realizes that this blue sky is indeed a representation of, as Cunningham would argue, â€Å"control of her life fully, for there is no place for her in patriarchal society†(Cunningham, 53). Louise’s gaze of the blueness in the sky, is the true realization that she is free from all worries and can finally live as the dominant woman partner in the relationship. Mark Cunningham’s critical argument looked at Louise’s â€Å"new understanding of her marriage and her supposed sudden freedom from that marriage as well as the position of women in the late nineteenth-century†(Cunningham, 49). However, I feel it’s important to study the background surrounding why this marriage may have been so straining on Louise’s life. Chopin’s short story makes many referencesShow MoreRelatedThe Unique Style Of Kate Chopin s Writing1603 Words  | 7 PagesThe unique style of Kate Chopin’s writing has influenced and paved the way for many female authors. Although not verbally, Kate Chopin aired political and social issues affecting women and challenging the validity of such restrictions through fiction. Kate Chopin, a feminist in her time, prevailed against the notion that a woman’s purpose was to only be a housewife and nothing more. Kate Chopin fortified the importance of women empowerment, self-express ion, self-assertion, and female sexuality throughRead MoreKate Chopin s Literary Creativity And Women s Independence1097 Words  | 5 Pagesthe most influential feminist writers of the century. From Chopin’s literary rejection of The Awakening, the rejection sparked a fire in Chopin’s feminist side. Chopin began writing short stories that would become society’s lead in literary creativity and women’s independence. Kate Chopin’s biography is astonishingly intriguing and the importance Chopin plays to the feminist literature genre is exceptional. Critics either rave Chopin’s work or completely destroy it. Kate Chopin, born KatherineRead MoreEssay on Structural Technique in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin861 Words  | 4 Pagesshort story. Kate Chopin uses structural techniques to enhance â€Å"The Story of an Hour†from beginning to end. She follows formal structure to a certain degree, but occasionally strays to actual structure. Upon analysis of the organization of Chopin’s story, the reader understands the powerful meaning that is expressed in such a short piece. Initially, a short story begins with an exposition. This is the laying out of important background information, characters, and setting. Chopin’s story is onlyRead MoreA Dolls House And A Dolls House Essay1421 Words  | 6 Pages Henrik Ibsen one of his most famous literature works â€Å"A doll’s house†and Kate Chopin’s short story â€Å"The story of an hour†portrays to the Victorian era, when women didn’t have rights. Both authors were born in an era where women didn’t have rights, and that women faced many aspects in life, such as being submissive to their husband’s, they were viewed as possessions than as people, and live a life that they didn’t want to live during the Victorian age. Even though Ibsen did not live the life ofRead More Contrast of Irony and Style in Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour1411 Words  | 6 PagesContrast of Irony and Style in Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour   Kate Chopins use of irony in her short story, The Story of an Hour, stands in direct contrast to the subtle manner in which she tells the story. Strong use of irony in a short story yields more honesty in a character. She achieves this quality by immediately setting the premise, that Mrs. Mallards fragile health would ultimately lead to her demise, upon receiving the news of her husbands death. Before an immediate assumptionRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin862 Words  | 4 PagesFiction Analysis: The Story of an Hour Kate Chopin’s short story, â€Å"The Story of an Hour†, is about one married woman’s true hidden feelings of being married in the 19th century. The story was published in 1894, a time where it was unacceptable for women to express their wants and needs as a woman. Women were not seen equal to men and did not have the same privileges as men such as voting. Therefore, some of her literary works were considered controversial. It wasn’t soon until the late 20 centuryRead More Womens Repression in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin Essay711 Words  | 3 PagesKate Chopins The Story of an Hour is a great story that conveys an important message about life and how difficult it can be for women, particularly in previous centuries. Back in the late 1800s and early 1900s, when this story was written, women were quite often mistreated and had to live restricted lives that lacked opportunity. Generally, women weren?t liberated during the 19th century. Traditionally , women did all the hard work in the house and had no opportunities to make their own living orRead MoreComparing the Yellow Wallpaper Story of an Hour1255 Words  | 6 PagesGilman and â€Å"The Story of an Hour†by Kate Chopin are two short stories that can today be categorized as feminist works of fiction. The main characters are females who are struggling for freedom from their husbands. Although the characters situations differ and the women react differently once they are aware of their suppression, the authors use similar motifs, imagery and themes. Both Gilman and Chopin use irony and the themes of repression of women in marriage and the importance of freedom to suggestRead MoreEssay about Symbolism in â€Å"The Story of an Hour†671 Words  | 3 Pagessymbols and imagery used by Kate Chopins in â€Å"The Story of an Hour†give the reader a sense of Mrs. Mallard’s new life appearing before her through her view of an â€Å"open window†(para. 4). Louise Mallard experiences what most individuals long for throughout their lives; freedom and happiness. By spending an hour in a â€Å"comfortable, roomy armchair†(para.4) in front of an open window, she undergoes a transformation that makes her understand the importance of her freedom. The authors use of Spring timeRead More The Differences in Josephine and Mrs. Mallard of Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour760 Words  | 4 PagesThe Differences in Josephine and Mrs. Mallard of Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour Free! Body and soul free!, Mrs. Mallard kept whispering. One persons ultimate freedom may be seen as a tragedy to another. Kate Chopin illustrates this idea in The Story of an Hour. The story is set in the nineteenth century. Chopin uses the death of Mr. Mallard to show the reader Mrs. Mallards deep feelings. In the story, Josephine and Mrs. Mallard are sisters. Although the women come from the same
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Challenges of Foster Kids after They Turn 18 - 1143 Words
Youth who age out of the foster care system are faced with several challenges. Aging out of foster care refers to children who are discharged from care, namely care that is no longer provided by the government, usually between the ages of 18 and 21. Many of these young adults are forced into independence, with little to no resources helping them assume adult responsibilities. Youth that age out of the foster care system have a higher likelihood of becoming homeless, lack job training skills, and have a higher risk of substance abuse and health problems. Many youth who aged out of foster care report being homeless at some point in time after discharge. Approximately 14% of males and 10% of females report being homeless at least once since their discharge from foster care services (Baugh 2008). Due to limited work histories and/or lackluster job training, many former foster children will face difficulty finding employment. Those who do obtain employment may be forced to work low-payi ng jobs, making them susceptible to exploitation, poverty, and increased difficulty establishing their independence. Foster care youth are a vulnerable group with a high risk for substance use and abuse. Within this population of youth illegal drugs are used because of experimentation and peer pressure, self-medication due to lack of health care, and coping mechanisms for stress. Many youth upon leaving foster care face additional issues in relation to their physical and mental health.Show MoreRelatedCritique of Dave Pelzers Autobiography, The Lost Boy Essay example905 Words  | 4 PagesDaves adolescence, rather than his abusive childhood. It is a moving story, starting out with a brief glimpse into the horrible abuse that he experienced as a child from his mother, and then moving into the difficult trials of being placed in numerous foster homes. The abuse that he went through is tear-jerking. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Group Reflection - 886 Words
Reflection Paper If I could summarize my group proposal experience in three works it would be patient, organized, and accomplished. My group proposal experience was not that bad. However, I did have to be patient and wait for other members to submit their work. I also had to be patient and see when we could meet because some of my group members did not show up for group meetings. I also felt like the majority of my group was not participating and getting work done. My group was some what organized because we had a checklist of the materials we had to submit and complete. My group was also able to accomplish our binder on time because we had to pull each others weight. The only good thing I can say about my group is that they are nice†¦show more content†¦LeKisha was showing up to the group meetings in the beginning but then she missed some group meetings do to getting her hair done, celebrating her birthday week, and having family issues. She only turned in one article which was hard to use since it were not cited. Are group had to wait for LeKisha to finish her article and do her part. One class she even said that it was her birthday weekend so she might not turn in her work the next class. I honestly wanted to laugh because I thought it was a joke. Her escriptors would be avoider and blocker because she barely participated in the work. A positive impact this experience had on me is that I was able to lead a group. I do not like telling people what to do which is why I do not consider myself a leader. However, this project has taught me that it is not so bad being a leader. Another positive impact is that I was able to see how it is to work with other people. usually in other classes you partner up to complete a one page assignment within an hour. But in groups I was able to work in a group the whole semester and experience a group setting. Something I would do different as a group participant is not take on so much work. I feel like I did the majority of the work because I was the leader. In the future I want my group to contribute more. The reason why I had to take one my teammates work is because LeKisha was unable to attend class do to a familyShow MoreRelatedGroup Reflection : Group Process767 Words  | 4 PagesGroup Reflection Group My concept of what a group consist of is a story that needs to be told and heard from many people with similar issues or problems. The group is a tool to help each member to gain some insight on how they can change or make a difference in their lives for the future. I feel that a group is a place where new relationships can develop and to find self again. Group Process The group process is facilitated by a counselor by the process has to be done by the members. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Measuring Top Incomes Using Tax Record Data -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Measuring Top Incomes Using Tax Record Data? Answer: Introduction The present case study is based on the ascertainemt of the residential status of Minh relating to the income tax purpose. Additionally, the case study will be determining the residential status effecting the assessment of income derived from Malaysian and the income from investment in Australia. The case study of Minh opens with the station the situation that the Minh was born in Malaysia and carried out her business activities. In the later part of June 2016, she was granted with the Visa of working in Australia and she arrived with her family with the probable of intention of eventually migrating and starting a business. An instance was noticed where Minh bought a home in Melbourne and resided with her partner and children with her children being enrolled in the local school of Melbourne. As the general jurisdictional rule stated under section 6-5 (2), (6-10 (4) of the ITAA 1997 residents are generally assessed on based on the ordinary income and statutory income derived from all the sources (Woellner et al. 2016). Accordingly as stated under section 6-5 (3) (a) and 6-10 (5) (a) of the ITAA 1997 a foreign resident or non-resident of Australia are assessed based on their ordinary and statutory income generated from the Australian sources. According to the definition stated under the section 995-1 of the ITAA 1997 and under section 6-(1) of the ITAA 1997 a resident or Australian resident for taxation purpose represents an individual residing in Australia and comprises of the person that has the domicile in Australia (Barkoczy 2016). An Australian resident represent a resident that has been living in Australia either constantly or intermittently for more than half of the income year unless the officer of taxation is content that the persons usual place of residence is out of Australia and has no intent of taking up the residence in Australia (Vann 2016). In order to determine the domiciliary position of Minh three alternative test will be conducted as to whether Minh will be treated as Australian resident for taxation purpose; these alternatives test includes Residency test according to ordinary concepts Domicile test The 183 day test Resides Test according to ordinary concepts: The first test that is conducted in determining the residential status of an individual is whether an individual Resides in Australia (Barkoczy 2017). On satisfying, the test there is no further need of conducting any further test for assessing the domiciliary position of an individual. On satisfying the Resides test, the person will be regarded as the resident of Australia for the purpose of tax. The term Reside represent to live permanently or for a considerable period. The question relating to fact and degree is explained in the case of Federal Commissioner of Taxation v Miller (1946) where the question of fact and extent is reliant on the circumstances of case (Tan, Braithwaite and Reinhar 2016). The Reside Test takes into the consideration the quality and the character of a persons actions at the time when the person was present in Australia. Additionally taxation ruling of TR 98/17 in determining the residential status of an individual under the Resides Test takes into the acco unt; The taxpayers usual purpose and intention of presence in Australia The business and family ties of the taxpayer in Australia Looking after and location of the taxpayers assets. The taxpayers communal and physical arrangement Time until when the taxpayer was physically present in Australia also forms the relevant factor in determining the residential status however the time period cannot be regarded as the detrimental factor (Braithwaite 2017). As evident from the case study of Minh, migrated to Australia eventually with the intention of probably migrating and commencing her business activities. It was noted that she bought a home in Melbourne where she resided with her partner and children. As held in the case of Macrea v Macrea (1949) a migrant that settles with the family in Australia would be generally regarded as living in Australia from the date of the individuals arrival in Australia (Davis et al. 2015). Notwithstanding of the fact that the persons business or personal interest may need he or she to be absent from Australia for an extended period. For instance an individual migrating to Australia with his wife and children and bought a home in Australia. The individual retains the business in his nation of origin an often returns to the country of origin for carrying out the business activities for 2 or 3 months in a year (Saad 2014). Ordinarily the person would be regarded to be living in Australia in spite of the o verseas absence. Similarly, in the case of Minh she has migrated from Malaysia to Australia and has purchased a home in Melbourne where she resided with her partner and children. She returns to Kuala Lumpur for carrying out the business activities. Minh will not be treated as residence in respect of the ordinary concepts for the income year 2016-17 since she has not taken up the residence permanently. The residency status of Minh and her children is an independent and separate matter. Domicile Test: Domicile is determined in respect of the Domicile Act 1982. An individual is regarded as the Australian resident given their domicile or place of abode is Australia (Miller and Oats 2016). An individual is not considered to be an Australian resident only under the circumstances when the officer is content that the individual place of residence is out of Australia. Domicile relating to choice of country represents the circumstances where the taxpayer intends to make their home indefinitely. As evident from the current case study of Minh, she has the permanent place of abode outside of Australia in Malaysia however; she originally migrated from Malaysia to Australia with eventual intention of residing in Australia until further notice and commencing her business. She even bought a home in Melbourne and her duration or continuity of presence in overseas country was broken intermittently (Mihaylov et al. 2015). Citing the reference of FCT v Applegate (1979) Minh has not abandoned any of her home or place of dwelling in Australia and returns to Australia after carrying out her business in Malaysia. According to the decision stated by the court in the case of Henderson v Henderson (1965), an individual maintains the domicile of the country of his or her origin except an individual obtains a home in another country (Burton and Karlinsky 2016.). Taking into the considerations the instances obtained from the current case study it can be stated that Minh is not an Australian occupant for tax purpose in respect of the Domicile Act 1982. Importantly, it would appear that they are Australian resident but the residency status of Minh and her children are independent during the income year 2016-17. Because of this, she cannot be held resident for taxation purpose under the domicile test. Additionally, she has no intent of taking up the residency in Australia. The 183-day Test: An individual under the 183 days test is regarded as the Australian occupant if the individual has actually be present in Australia either continually or in breaks for more than one half of the income year (Davison, Monotti and Wiseman 2015). An exception to this rule is that a person will not be considered as the Australian resident if the individual satisfies the commissioner of taxation that if, his normal place of dwelling is out of Australia and has no purpose of taking up the residency of Australia. The 183 days test is helpful in determining whether an individual has commenced living in Australia. As evident from the current situation of Minh, it is noticed that she has only spend 120 days in Australia. An individual is regarded as the Australian resident given the person has successfully met the criteria of 183 days and meets the definition of the resident in respect to the subsection 6 (1) of the ITAA 1997. However, an important assertion can be bought forward by stating that a person under the 183 days test is only regarded to hold as resident if an individual has been present and living in Australia for more than six months of the year of income (Grudnoff 2015). Minh in this aspect has not been presented in Australia for more one half of the income and as result of this for the year 2016-17 she cannot be regarded as resident of Australia for the purpose of tax. On a conclusive note, an assertion can be bought forward by stating that Minh residency will be considered as separate and independent matter. She cannot be considered as Australian resident for taxation purpose since she has not met the criteria of Resident in terms of the ordinary concept, domicile test and 183 days test. More importantly the residency status of Minh is independent and distinct subject. According to the judgement stated in the case of Nathan v FCT (1918) in determining the original source of income is regarded as practical and hard matter of fact (Evans, Minas and Lim 2015). Referring to the judgement of federal court in United Aircraft Corp (1943), a business income constitute where the business is transacted or the place where the goods are sold. As evident from the present situation of Minh, it is evident that she is not an Australian resident for taxation purpose during the income year of 2016-17. Minh is regarded to be foreign occupant since the behaviour relating to the time spent in Australia fails to reflect the extent of continuity, routine or habit, which is consistent with being an Australian resident. The income derived from the Malaysian business will be subjected to tax including the tax rates and the withholding amount (Burkhauser, Hahn and Wilkins 2015). Minh being a foreign a resident will be required to lodge the annual Australian income tax return for the investment income derived in Australia from the Australian source. The current case study is associated with the determination of the alternatives arising out of the proceeds from the sale of the town house that could be held for assessment in respect of the ITAA. The case study introduces the situation where the Jack has inherited a small family land that was located in Melbourne. Jack undertook the decision of retirement from the farm business. With his children, having no interest in farming business Jack decides to engage in the discussion with accountant who further provided Jack with advice of selling the farm to the property. Following the meeting with the property developer Jack was advised to cease the activities of farming and should subdivide the land. He undertook the decision of subdividing the land commence construction of houses, which could be sold. Following the completion of the Building Jack engaged with the real estate agent and sold the twenty houses and made a profit of $300,000 from each of the houses. Several instances have been noticed where the landowners have the opportunity of subdividing and selling the land that was owned by them for a very long period (Carling 2015). The usually takes place where the primary producers owns the land on the outskirts of the urban areas and the expansion in the residential represents that the proper use of land is for the purpose of residential rather than using the land for farming purpose. On certain circumstances the activities of property, development undertaken by the owners is regarded very substantial since it possess the prospect of deriving large amount of profit from the project. Important considerations must be paid to the circumstances where a small to medium subdivision might qualify as the mere realization of the land and when the project may turn out to be a profit making undertaking or business (Jacob 2016). In the circumstances where an individual owns the land, which is suitable for development, would want to make sure that, the profit that is derived from activities of development is held as capital account. The landowner under such circumstances can undertake the decision of selling the entire property to the developer. As held by the federal law court in the event of Westfield Limited v Commissioner of Taxation (1991), a lone sale of the asset that is not bought for the purpose of resale at profit or development would meet the requirements of being held as the capital receipt (Hail, Sikes and Wang 2017). As evident in the current situation of Jack subdividing the land that was used for farming and building houses for selling them holds the substantial relation of deriving large amount of profit from the project. However, there are certain alternatives where the proceeds from the sale of town houses could be assessed under ITAA (Chardon, Freudenberg and Brimble 2016). In respect to the current case study of Jack there are certain alternatives based on which the proceeds from the sale of subdivided land could be held for assessment under the Income tax assessment act are as follows; The subdivision and the sale of land might qualify as the mere realization of the capital asset. The scale of business might be in such manner that it may constitute carrying on of a business of property development by the taxpayer (Tax 2015). The development might go beyond the concept of mere realization of land but may shortfall of the requirements of carrying on of a business. In such a situation, it would be characterised as the profit making undertaking or scheme. As evident from the current case study of Jack, the three alternatives has been demonstrated above that could be put into use to determine the assessment of the sale of town house by Jack under the provision of ITAA. In context to the alternatives mere realization of capital asset is applicable on Jack since the property was subdivided and sold by the Jack in 20 lots. The judgement of federal court in Allied Pastoral Holdings v FC of T (1983) has defined the circumstances of mere realisation of asset (Coleman and Sadiq 2013). Several authorities have affirmed that the taxpayer having land constitute a capital asset and development of land in an enterprising manner could consider the profit derived from land as the mere realization of the capital asset given the development is not more than the mere realization of the capital asset. Prior to embarking on the detailed analysis of present situation of Jack in establishing that the building of house on farm land is a mere realisation it is necessary to determine whether Jack has acquired the farm land for the purpose of resale at profit or development (Kenny 2013). Therefore, the income generated from the sale of land would be held assessable as ordinary income notwithstanding of the sale of property. Therefore at the time of advising Jack relating to the above stated issue it is necessary to determine whether there are any evidences of profit making intention at the time of acquisition. The taxpayer in the instance of Reiger v Commissioner of taxation confronts the same problem of mere realisation of capital asset (Krever, 2013). An argument was bought forward by the taxpayer where the acquisition of land was for conducting the palm nursery. As the matter of fact that taxpayer planted some palm trees on the land but did not went around in the form of business manner. The declaration of intention relating to the subdivision of land was regarded fatal in the argument put forward by the taxpayer where it stated that their purpose was to establish business on the property. The taxation ruling of 92/3 states the views of the Australian taxation office where the courts have considered the issues in ascertaining whether an individual taxpayer who has undertaken the activity of land development constitute a mere realisation or have embarked on the profit making undertaking. The principle of mere realisation is stated in the Californian Cooper Syndicates v Harris (1904) (Morgan, Mortimer and Pinto 2013). A well-defined principle has been stated related to the determination of income tax where the taxpayer ordinary investment decides to realise the land and derive a higher price for land then the taxpayer has initially attained it. The higher price is not a profit based on the provision of SD of the ITAA 1982 taxable under income tax. Citing the reference of Westfield Limited v Commissioner of Taxation the court ruled that as soon as it is evident that the action of purchase and sale resulted in profit does not constituted an activity under the ordinary course of business (Sadiq et al. 2014). Alternatively, an ordinary event arising out of other business activity the profit that is in question would be a part of assessable income in respect to ordinary concept given the taxpayer has the intent of making profit at the time of acquiring the property. The law court even went on to the extent of stating that even though the profit making objective might lack depth, the means of attaining the profit by the taxpayer could be an alternative through which the profit could be realised. The taxation ruling of 92/3 determines that a taxable profits originates given that the taxpayer enters into the transaction or by act of law with the objective of making income through one specific means but generates income through other means (Woellner 2013). The issue in the present case of Jack is whether the activities of land development that the landowner has undertaken possess the character of business processes or has the character of profitable transaction. As apparent from the approach undertaken by the Australian taxation office in the taxation ruling of TR 92/3, the ATO is largely reliant on the opinions stated under Miscellaneous Taxation Ruling of MT 2006/1. In ascertaining whether the factors profits generated by the taxpayer is from the one-off subdivision of land would constitute a mere realisation or profit deriving undertaking several factors have been stated by the ATO under MT 2006/1 that are as follows; Is any alternation in the purpose for which the land was held? Whether there is any arrangement of subdivision of land. The ATO states that not a single factor is decisive given there are other factors existent. Opinions may vary that subdivision of property into a small number of plots might constitute as the mere realisation of land. However, this is not the case at the time of applying alternative of mere realisation in the case of Jack. It is vital to appreciated the decision of court in the certain cases indicating that building of houses or land development consisting of several number of lots would still constitute a mere realisation. As held in Casimaty v F.C of T (1997) where the subdivision of farmland over 80 lots was regarded as mere realisation of the farmland (Woellner 2013). The court accepted that the property was used for farming for several years and the decision of subdivision was entirely because of the increasing debt and poor health of the taxpayer. Citing the example of McCorkell v F.C of T the court stated its verdict that subdivision of land that was earlier used as orchard would constitute a mere realisation of the property. Considerably the case of Statham v F.C of T (1989) a development of 105 lots beyond four stages was held nothing less than a mere realisation of the capital asset (Sadiq et al. 2014). In the current case of Jack, the land acquired by him and sold after a longer time it is very likely the subdivision and sale of twenty townhouse would be categorised as the mere realisation. The proceeds that are derived by Jack will be based on the capital account and not on the revenue account. Reference List: Barkoczy, S., 2016. Foundations of taxation law 2016.OUP Catalogue. Barkoczy, S., 2017. Core tax legislation and study guide.OUP Catalogue. Braithwaite, V. ed., 2017.Taxing democracy: Understanding tax avoidance and evasion. Routledge. Burkhauser, R.V., Hahn, M.H. and Wilkins, R., 2015. Measuring top incomes using tax record data: A cautionary tale from Australia.The Journal of Economic Inequality,13(2), pp.181-205. Burton, H.A. and Karlinsky, S., 2016. Tax professionals' perception of large and mid-size business US tax law complexity.eJournal of Tax Research,14(1), p.61. Carling, R.G., 2015.Right or rort? Dissecting Australia's tax concessions. Centre for Independent Studies. Chardon, T., Freudenberg, B. and Brimble, M., 2016. Tax literacy in Australia: not knowing your deduction from your offset.Austl. Tax F.,31, p.321. Coleman, C. and Sadiq, K. 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Hybrid Entities in Australia: Resource Capital Fund III LP Case. Woellner, R. (2013).Australian taxation law 2012. North Ryde [N.S.W.]: CCH Australia. Woellner, R., Barkoczy, S., Murphy, S., Evans, C. and Pinto, D., 2016. Australian Taxation Law 2016.OUP Catalogu
Monday, April 13, 2020
Biography of Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President
Biography of Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809–April 15, 1865) was the 16th president of the United States, serving from 1861 to 1865. During his time in office, the nation fought the Civil War, which claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. One of Lincolns greatest accomplishments was the abolition of slavery in 1864. Fast Facts: Abraham Lincoln Known For: U.S. president from March 4, 1861–March 3, 1865; issued Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, freeing slaves in the southern United StatesAlso Known As: Honest AbeBorn: February 12, 1809 in Sinking Spring Farm, KentuckyDied: April 15, 1865 in Washington, D.C.Spouse: Mary Todd Lincoln (m. 1842–1865)Children: Robert, Edward, Willie, TadNotable Quote: Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally. Early Life Abraham Lincoln was born in Hardin County, Kentucky, on February 12, 1809. He moved to Indiana in 1816 and lived there the rest of his youth. His mother died when he was 9 but he was very close to his stepmother, who urged him to read. Lincoln himself stated that he had about one year of formal education. However, he was taught by many different individuals. He loved to read and learn from any books he could get his hands on. On November 4, 1842, Lincoln married Mary Todd. She had grown up in relative wealth. Many historians believe that Todd was mentally unbalanced; she struggled with mental health issues throughout her life and may have suffered from bipolar disorder. The Lincolns had four children, all but one of whom died young. Edward died at age 3 in 1850. Robert Todd grew up to be a politician, lawyer, and diplomat. William Wallace died at the age of 12. He was the presidents only child to die in the White House. Thomas Tad died at 18. Military Career In 1832, Lincoln enlisted to fight in the Black Hawk War. He was quickly elected captain of a company of volunteers. His company joined regulars under Colonel Zachary Taylor. Lincoln only served 30 days in this capacity and then signed on as a private in the Mounted Rangers. He then joined the Independent Spy Corps. He saw no real action during his short stint in the military. Political Career Lincoln worked as a clerk before joining the military. He ran for the Illinois state legislature and lost in 1832. He was appointed as postmaster of New Salem, Illinois by Andrew Jackson and later elected as a Whig to the state legislature, where he served from 1834 to 1842. Lincoln studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1836. From 1847 to 1849 he served as a U.S. Representative in Congress. He was elected to the state legislature in 1854 but resigned to run for the U.S. Senate. He gave his famous house divided speech after being nominated. Lincoln-Douglas Debates Lincoln debated his opponent for the Senate seat, Stephen Douglas, seven times in what became known as the Lincoln-Douglas Debates. While they agreed on many issues, the two disagreed over the morality of slavery. Lincoln did not believe that slavery should spread any further through the United States, while Douglas argued for popular sovereignty. Lincoln explained that while he was not asking for equality, he believed African-Americans should receive the rights granted to all Americans in the Declaration of Independence: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Lincoln lost the election to Douglas. Presidential Election In 1860, Lincoln was nominated for the presidency by the Republican Party with Hannibal Hamlin as his running mate. He ran on a platform denouncing disunion and calling for an end to slavery in the territories. The Democrats were divided, with Stephen Douglas representing the Democrats and John Breckinridge the National (Southern) Democrats nominee. John Bell ran for the Constitutional Union Party, which took away votes from Douglas. In the end, Lincoln won 40 percent of the popular vote and 180 of the 303 electoral college votes. Since he was in a four-way race, this was enough to ensure his victory. First Presidential Term The main event of Lincolns presidency was the Civil War, which lasted from 1861 to 1865. Eleven states seceded from the Union, and Lincoln firmly believed in the importance of not only defeating the Confederacy but also reuniting North and South to preserve the Union. In September 1862, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. This declaration freed the slaves in all of the Southern states. In 1864, Lincoln promoted Ulysses S. Grant to commander of all Union forces. Reelection The Republicans, at this point called the National Union Party, had some concern that Lincoln wouldnt win but still renominated him for a second term with Andrew Johnson as his vice president. Their platform demanded unconditional surrender and an official end to slavery. Challenger George McClellan had been relieved as the head of the Union armies by Lincoln. His platform was that the war was a failure, and Lincoln had taken away too many civil liberties. Lincoln won reelection after the war turned in the Norths favor. In April 1865, Richmond fell and Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse. In the end, the war was the most costly in American history and also the bloodiest, with hundreds of thousands of casualties. Slavery was forever ended with the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment. Death On April 14, 1865, Lincoln was assassinated while attending a play at Fords Theater in Washington, D.C. Actor John Wilkes Booth shot him in the back of the head before jumping onto the stage and escaping to Maryland. Lincoln died on April 15 and was buried in Springfield, Illinois. John Parrot / Stocktrek Images / Getty Images On April 26, Booth was found hiding in a barn, which was set on fire. He was then shot and killed. Eight conspirators were punished for their roles in the plot to kill the president. Legacy Lincoln is considered by many scholars to be one of the most accomplished and successful presidents in United States history. He is credited with holding the Union together and leading the North to victory in the Civil War. Furthermore, his actions led to the emancipation of African-Americans from the bonds of slavery. Sources Donald, David Herbert. Lincoln. Niagara, 1996.Gienapp, William E. Abraham Lincoln and Civil War America: a Biography. Oxford University Press, 2002.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Catherine and Rodolphos relationship Essays
Catherine and Rodolphos relationship Essays Catherine and Rodolphos relationship Paper Catherine and Rodolphos relationship Paper [he kneels, grasps and with strain slowly raises the chair higher and higher, getting to his feet now and he transforms what might appear like a glare of warning into a smile of triumph, and Eddies grin vanishes as he absorbs his look] Reading that, I found was like a running commentary of the end of the scene. It is a very powerful few lines and a great way to end an act, with such a cliffhanger. It is almost like a story in itself. Although this action was done without any words, Eddie knew what Marco was signalling. Eddie had gone too far and Marco was protecting his baby brother. Marco, who was normally a quiet, self-contained and polite figure, was now questioning Eddies authority because Eddie had violated his. The Italian passion for justice comes through again as Marco violently protects his brother. Marco had arisen and with great strength, everyone was now questioning Eddies authority. These stage directions pick out every detail of how every character in the scene should be. This direction in particular helps the actors really getting them into character. Since I have been watching the rest of my class, including myself, act out certain extracts form the play, I have seen the different ways in which people interpret the stage directions and portray their character. One pair, acted out the scene where Alfieri and Eddie talk about Catherine and Rodolphos relationship, and the big question is Rodolpho gay? I found that the scene starts as a civilised, calm conversation, but as the interaction lengthened, Eddie became very intense, whereas Alfieri stayed calm. The pair were very passionate, and comfortable performing in front of the class and that was shown throughout their performance. When watching them, and following the play at the same time, I came across very little stage directions, but the pair had entered their own, showing initiative and passion for their parts, and each others. They were able to convey the characters feelings very well and were able to climax the performance well, using their own stage directions and the original ones. I would like to see professional actors act out the scene so I can do slight comparisons which could help me understand more clearly how others interpret stage directions. Actors are also faced with simile stage directions, such as the one below from page 66. Both Eddie and Rodolpho are described as animals, symbolising an animals primeval urge to show power. [They are like animals that have torn at one another and broken up without a decision, each waiting for the others mood] When I read that, it struck me as being out of the ordinary because it was so descriptive and imaginative. Stage directions always just used to be just sit down, smiling as she heads to kitchen door etc. basic tasks, but I had never seen a direction like that before. This takes us back to the point I made earlier about how different actors interpret certain directions. This essay has made me appreciate the use and importance of stage directions, particularly in this play. Whether they are as important as words are up to you, the reader.
Monday, February 24, 2020
GENDER AND POLITENESS IN AN ESL LANGUAGE ACADEMIC CONTEXT - Research Paper Example There are several ways in which members of a particular gender express themselves politely. Globally, there are various ways of expressing oneself be it with his/her peers or the elderly, or the use jargon depending on the context, the consideration of all these elements boils down to the varied linguistic expressions of politeness by both males and females Linguistics is the study of language. Language is the total whole of meanings and sound. It is the mode of communication between genders and thus for there to be a sense of politeness in an academic context, the following must be addressed. The context of a school setting is that of a teacher, student and other non teaching staff and due to the different backgrounds students have, the expression of politeness varies between the male and female students Literature review According to (Wehmeier, 2000) politeness are defined as having respect and good manners in consideration of the feelings of others. The theory of linguistic polite ness by Brown and Levinson holds that the individuals face is interpreted as self image seen publicly. (Grundy, 2008) notes that the faces of human beings are properties comparable to self esteem. (Kitamura, 2000) notes that the face notion is classified into two, that is the positive and the negative. On one hand, the positive face represents the similarities that exist between people interacting and appreciate each other’s self image while on the other hand; the negative face represents the desire to be unrestricted. These theorists argue that interact ants mutually aim to maintain each other’s face. (Holmes, 2006) notes that ideally, one can never know what people are feeling or thinking in a conversation, thus try to construe what is conveyed to them through communication For the sake of harmony in a given society, politeness strategy is essential and thus employed in conversations. This is so as (Bowe & Martin, 2007) note that face can be maintained, lost, enhance d and monitored during interactions. According to (Bowe & Martin, 2009) citing Brown and Levinson, the face is threatened by inappropriate behavior or acts. (Holmes, 2006) points out that this situation is assessed through three operational defined factors: the social distance (D) between partners, the ranking of the imposition (R) shared in the word of the appropriate culture and the power (P) of the addressee over the speaker. The seriousness of these acts therefore can be easily measured and assessed. With regard to gender, it argues that women are linguistically more polite than the men. The use of minimal responses like yeah and mhm demonstrates active participation, agreement and therefore used by both sexes. The use of questions for men, normally, it is genuine while for women it’s more of a rhetoric question and therefore use it more for conversation’s sake, with regard to writing, both use it as a literacy tool. In conversation, meaning is determined by the pe rson listening depending on his/her concerns, focus and habits rather than the will intended for. Women seem to attach more weight to the significance of listening rather than men. The use of verbal aggressiveness is used more so by women and physical aggression is used more by men. The issue of self
Friday, February 7, 2020
History cold war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
History cold war - Essay Example While the United States became the land of the free, where individual dreams of success were within the realms of possibility following the tenets of Capitalism, the Communist ideologies of the Soviet Union were just the opposite. In many ways, the Cold War was a global contest for supremacy between two diverse, and opposing social systems, one based upon private property, political and economic laissez-faire and the other upon state property, centrally controlled political system, and enforced equal opportunities for all. Once the Soviet Union emerged as the Power that had liberated most of Eastern and Central Europe from the clutches of Adolf Hitler during the World War II, it began to insist on communist regimes in all the countries like Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria and so on. Having learned a lesson from the case of Nazi Germany, (which was helped along by the previous non-interference of the United States in Europe) the United States became concerned over the rise of communism in various parts of the world like France, Italy and Germany, and of course the Central and East European nations. In the United States, suspicions of communism and the Soviet Union had reached a level of mass hysteria with the campaigning of anti-communist warrior Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, a Republican from Wisconsin who went public with his claims in 1950 that there were many Communists in the State government.Each Power now wanted supremacy in Europe in order to protect its own interests, and began to follow a strategy of intervention. The strategy of intervention included the use of incentives like offers of military protection, and of economic aid for growth and development. An added factor was that by this time each of the powers had missile capabilities and sought to place these missiles in locations of military advantage. Alliances thus also became a matter of military coalition and collaboration. As a result, objects of contention seemed to be whole societies and their particular orientation toward the United States or the Soviet Union. (Feste, 1992). Along with this strategy of intervention to win allies, the two powers each began to use strategies of deterrence and compellance. (Lebow, Stein, 1994)This meant an arms-build up, including nuclear arsenals, in order to threaten the other Power in such a way as to deter them from attacking, and then follow this up with a move to compel them using the threat of force. The three-pronged strategy of intervention, deterrence and compellance spread not only in Europe but also in various parts of the newly de-colonised Asia and South America. One such stand-off resulting from using the strategies of deterrence and compellance was the Cuba Missile Crisis in 1962. In 1960, the Soviet Union had managed to bring off a trade contract and alliance with Fidel Castro's Cuba following a strategy of intervention, which was only a few miles from the United States coasts. When the United States tried to instigate a revolution against Castro in 1962 through the famous incursion into the Bay of Pigs, which failed, the Soviet Union placed nuclear missiles in Cuba as a means of protecting its ally. President Kennedy placed Cuba under quarantine, and the tense nuclear situation was resolved with the withdrawal of Soviet missiles only after the United states promised not to invade Cuba, and to withdraw its missiles from Turkey.(Gaddis 1998) Almost at the same time a situation was brewing in Vietnam, where
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Effects of Early Marriage Essay Example for Free
Effects of Early Marriage Essay Mark and Jane got married eight years ago. They have two young children. Their initial love and attraction has turned into constant bickering and argument. They now realize how different they are from each other. Every interchange seems to be a battle and is affecting every aspect of their lives. They wonder what happened to the love and affection they felt towards each other at the beginning of their relationship. They have been arguing about money, and how to spend it. Mark thinks his hard work is not appreciated. Jane feels overburdened with taking care of the children, her part-time work and taking care of the most of household duties. They each feel the other is not contributing enough. They do not want to give up on their marriage, and have heard that mediation can be effective in working through the practical problems they face. They hope by learning to appreciate each other’s efforts their love for each other will start to grow again. They have tried individual therapy, marital counseling, and group therapy, without results. The first few years of a marriage are a very intense period of adjustment. It’s very common for the couple to learn differences about each other and encounter extreme bouts of negativity that they never imagined possible. A newly married couple (and any married couple, for that matter) should try anything at their disposal. Sometimes marriage counseling does not work. It does not mean that the marriage is over or that the counseling was insufficient or even that marriage counseling may not work at a future time. Couples need to try different things at different times in order to break the log jam of disillusionment. Marital Mediation or other professional support may help break the impasse. The mediator will explain to Mark and Jane that, just like a new hobby, learning how to be married is a learnable skill. The mediator will teach them conflict resolution skills that they can begin to practice at home. Things can improve at home, and Mark and Jane can continue to work on (and enjoy) their marriage. They might even try counseling again (perhaps with a different therapist), and may find that they are ready to gain insight from it.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Sports are Entertaining and Fun Essay -- Expository
Sports are Entertaining and Fun Sports in society today can be entertaining to watch and also fun to play for both men and women of all ages. I am a person that takes sports very seriously in my life. I enjoy playing sports as much as I enjoy watching them on television. I started playing baseball when I was seven years old, and played up until I graduated high school. I also played basketball from fifth grade to a junior in high school. I think that I am so involved in sports because my family takes sports very seriously, and they got me involved in them at an early age. My Dad, Mom, brothers and cousins have all been active members of sports throughout their lives. We all enjoy doing anything involved with sports. It could be actively playing a sport, watching an event on television, or going and watching a sporting event with a group of people. I think we live in an area that has a large history of sports and many traditions and customs that go along with it. By living close to Pittsburgh my entire lif e I have been able to experience and appreciate the history and legacy that our sport teams have offered for so many years. I have been a huge fan of all the Pittsburgh sports teams for my entire life. I have been to numerous Pirate and Steeler home games with family and friends. I think this is why sporting events can be so entertaining because you get to spend quality time with your family and friends and share in all of the memories to come. I want to find out if people have the same thoughts and opinions that I do about sports. I want to see if men take sports more seriously than women do, or is there a lot more women involved then we think. I want to find out what sports men and women like t... ...understanding of what sports men and women like to play and watch, and how they feel towards them. After conducting ten surveys, two interviews, and an observation I have found out that mostly everyone does like at least one sport in some way. Mostly everyone does agree that sports are entertaining and fun to participate in. I noticed that many people like to watch and play a variety of sports instead of just one. Football seems to be the most favorite to watch among both men and women. Men seem to choose more physical sports to play whereas women choose more sports with higher skill levels. Overall I thought that the research went well because I did not come across any problems. Everyone was very cooperative when I collected my data. I thought that this was a fun experiment because I had a chance to see how men and women compared when it came to sports.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Flooding in South Africa Essay
Most floods take hours or days to develop, giving residents enough time to prepare or evacuate. Others happen quickly and with little warning. These flash floods can be extremely dangerous and cause major damage to the landscape and the habitants of such an area. Disaster specialists have various ways of classifying floods according to their likelihood of occurring and the intensity of the flood. A hundred-year flood, for example, is an extremely large, destructive event that would theoretically be expected to happen only once every century. Heavy rain in a short period of time in the part of South Africa, caused more than hundreds of people to be homeless by heavy flooding. Floods caused many to seek refuge on rooftops and on trees. This catastrophe killed more than hundreds of people causing the death toll to rise. Recently these floods caused evacuation of the Kruger National, a game reserve in Northern South Africa. Floods also covered some farmlands and crops were killed as a result forcing farms to close. Most of the roads, dams and large buildings were damaged. Due to flooding some mines were forced to close, this the case of a coal mines in Limpopo. Floods frequently causes major infrastructure damage of roads, railway lines, electricity supply systems, water supply and sewage disposal systems. Bribges over rivers are particularly exposed to damage and disruption of transportation systems follows. The economic effects of flooding are often greater than the flood itself. (Parker 2000) According to Parker (2000) be cause floods frequently destroy crops and livestock, food shortages are not uncommon in the aftermath. Floods may affect food availability in a number of ways. Food stocks may be damaged if storage areas are flooded. Serious flooding usually disrupts transportation of food deficit areas, particularly in towns, which are cut off from supply sources and have inadequate food stock. Impacts of flooding may hinder the economic growth and development that is the high cost of relief and recovery may adversely impact investment in infrastructure and other development activities in the area and in certain cases may cripple the frail economy of the of the region. Recurrent flooding in a region may discourage long-term investments by the government and private sector alike. Lack of livehoods, combined with migration of skilled labour and inflation may have a negative impact on a region’s economic growth. Loss of resource can lead to high costs of goods and services, delaying its development programmes. (Drep operation international federation of Red Cross and crescent societies). Figure 2 three kid were during floods in Limpopo As discussed under various perspectives, it is clear from the assignment that floods had adverse impact on the socio-economic status of livehoods for people in South Africa more especially the residents of Limpopo. It is also evident that there are varying underlying causes of floods i South Africa. Places near the flood event are the most susceptible to the dangers of the floods. Proximity of these places and poverty were identified as being the main cause of vulnerability of people
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Animal Experiments And Its Effects On Human Suffering And...
Some people support animal experiment and believed the results of those testings can ease human suffering and improve the quality of human life (Kruse, 2001). Many medical achievements in the past century have depended directly or indirectly on animal researches. The develop of the treatment of diabetes, leukaemia and heart surgery transplants have been made possible largely through the use of animals in scientific researches. And 90% of the public accepted the need for the use of animals when certain research conditions were met, including no unnecessary pain and suffering of animals, the research is for serious medical or life-saving purposes, and there is no reliable and informative alternative to the testing. All researches needed to†¦show more content†¦Also, using animals in research may wasting money and resources. According to the Cruelty Free International, 95% of drugs fail in human trials despite promising results in animal tests which suggest the results from ani mal testing may unreliable, and the US drug industry invests 50 billion US dollar per year in research, but the approval rate of new drugs is the same as it was 50 years ago. Beside these, animals have a physiologically different with humans, they do not get some of the diseases that human do, for example Parkinson’s disease, major types of heart disease, many types of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, HIV and schizophrenia. And using animals in medicine research may caused fatal dangerous. For example, Vioxx (drug used to treat arthritis) was tested on monkeys and five other animal species and found to be safe, but has been caused around 320,000 heart attacks and strokes, and 140,000 deaths worldwide. Because of the different perception on support or refuse animal experiment, conflict happened between organisations, people and government (Cruelty Free International). Most animal welfare groups willing to work with researchers to improve the conditions for animals in laboratories and to promote animal right concept with gentle action, for example peaceful demonstrations
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