Friday, December 27, 2019
Prison Treatment - 1471 Words
Offenders and the Need for Treatment A hard line stance by law enforcement to treat addiction with a criminal justice approach rather than with a public health approach has resulted in over-crowded prisons and offenders in need of treatment. The rise of the prison population began with enactment of the federal Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 and The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 (Olson Lurigio, 2014). Highlighting the escalating prison population, Olson and Lurigio (2014) noted from 1990-2000 the state prison population had almost doubled. Additionally, Taxman, Perdoni, and Caudy (2013) indicated of the approximate 7 million adults being supervised by the United States correctional system, almost 70% have been diagnosed with a substance use†¦show more content†¦The SCC TC program will benefit offenders and the criminal justice system. Offenders will receive prison-based treatment and community aftercare services. Research has shown offenders who participated in prison-based treatment have been found less likely to re-offend compared to those who do not receive treatment (Prendergast, Hall, Wexler, 2003). In addition, prison-based treatment is most effective when coupled with community aftercare services. Offenders who engage in prison-based treatment, in conjunction with community aftercare treatment, are less likely to return to prison compared to those who receive less, and those who do not attend at all (Olson Lurigio, 2014). Community aftercare is a significant component to further the success of prison-based treatment. Prison-based treatment starts the recovery process, but a continuum of care is a necessity to maximize the effectiveness of treatment (Olson Lurigio, 2014). Continued substance abuse treatment along with educational and employment training will be emphasized at the IDOC reentry center. A lack of a high school diploma or GED has been correlated with a high number of offenders who are probation violators (Linhorst, Dirks-Linhorst, Groom, 2012). Employment training will be provided as many offenders have poor work histories. However once an offender obtains employment, research has shown the chances of them remaining a productive member of society increases. (Webster,Show MoreRelatedThe Treatment Of American Prisons929 Words  | 4 Pagespeople are sent to prison with the goal for the convict to be punished, to prevent them from doing bad things again, and to deter others from brea king the law. Each year, millions of people are released from prison, but roughly two-thirds of the prisoners who were released reoffend within three years of leaving prison, often with a more serious and violent offense. This can be attributed to the ineffective correction style that America has adopted: punishment. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Events Of World War I Essay - 2015 Words
World War One Name Institutional Affiliation World War One Introduction World War One was a global war that emanated in Europe. The war lasted for four years from 1914 to 1918. More than seven million civilians and 9.5 million military fighters died during the war. The war resulted in a political shift in the nations that were involved. The war left the world’s strongest countries polarized into two camps, the Allies and the Central Powers of Austria-Hungary and Germany. Causes of World War One Several reasons have been given for the start of the First World War and historians are still debating these reasons today. However, it is evident to historians that the trigger of the war was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife in June 1914 (Duffy, 2009). Before the assassination, Ferdinand was the Austrian archduke and heir to the Austrian throne. Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian citizen and revolutionary, assassinated the couple. The assassination was carried out as a Serbian retaliation for Austria’s control of Bosnia and Herzegovinia, territories that the Serbians believed were rightfully theirs. The assassination resulted in the July Crisis of 1914 that eventually led to the First World War. The assassination was merely a trigger while the following are some of the reasons that have been attributed to the start of the war. 1. Alliances Years before the war eventually started, the European powers had already begun making alliances amongstShow MoreRelatedThe Events Of World War I1178 Words  | 5 PagesHow One Thing Led to Another; WWI No single person or event caused the Great War. However, there were many factors that contributed to the world’s first war. The events that started World War I were a case of one thing led to another(CITE). Many agree that the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, ultimately led to the beginning of World War I. The major causes of the World War I were embedded deep in European history during the previous 19th century. It really all began during the 1800Read MoreThe Events Of World War I1684 Words  | 7 Pagescase with many wars, a foundation has to be set before the situation can escalate into a fully fledged war. Some concede that ephemeral events just before the outbreak of war are more inciteful of the fighting rather than long held animosity between nations. Others hold credence in the idea that wars often begin long before the first shot is fired, with their sole reason for starting being traced back to previous conflicts and tensions with other countries. The tensions of World War I could be observedRead MoreThe Events Of World War I1245 Words  | 5 PagesCertain aspects of German society following the events of World War I became radically unstable. Such instability from 1918 to 1923, led to a series of economical, political and social crises, which would drastically change t he country. Certain parts of the country were highly progressive, while other parts remained true to right wing beliefs, and as a result, coexistence proved to be too difficult. While Germany was having its own civil issues stemming from internal unrest, outside factors wouldRead MoreThe Events Of The World War I1455 Words  | 6 PagesThe events of 6th June 1944 is widely regarded as one of the most significant things that led to the success of the Allies in World War 1. It did not only allow them the start the liberation of Eastern Europe but also reach Berlin to end the reign of the Nazis and Adolf Hitler over Europe. However there are other battles (Stalingrad, the Battle of Britain etc.) that could have been just as significant as D-Day. From the beginning of the Allied planning the collectively realised that it would notRead MoreThe Events Of World War I Essay1234 Words  | 5 PagesWorld War One was many years in the making with separate incidences occurring between the empires that ultimately lead up to war beginning. With many powerful empires on edge and wanting to be the most powerful, they did whatever they could to make this happen. The First World War was not sparked by one event or motive, but in turn was started due to many major factors. The war’s blame can be placed on all of the countries involved, rather than solely Germany. These factors from World War One wereRead MoreThe Events During The World War I1662 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The First World War went down in history as one of the worst wars ever to be fought, owing to the magnitude of destruction and loss of life it left in its wake. The war started in 1914 ending in 1919, and has been described variously as the à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Great Warà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½the War of Nationsà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ and the à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½War to End All Warsà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. (Dwight E, 1966) It was fought by many nations around the world, with Europeans being the main players, and is very significant for the way it shaped the continents yearsRead MoreEvents and Treaties of World War I1317 Words  | 5 Pagescurrently discussing the events and treaties of World War 1. I found this subject very interesting and the fact that many soldiers suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder piqued my curiosity. My teacher discussed how towards the end of the war soldiers portrayed symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and often fled during war which led to most of them being captured by their government and killed. I want to learn more about this topic because it is very interesting to me. 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The Canadians proved to be an effective and formidable group that deserved sovereignty and respect. Nationalism Nationalism is the belief that one’s nation is superior in all waysRead MoreWhat Events Drew The United States Into World War I988 Words  | 4 Pagesbelieved that World War I was initialized by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, others believe that there were a number of issues that played into the start of the war. There are said to be four areas that played into the cause of World War I, including the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the other three are imperialism, militarism, and nationalism. In this paper, we will discuss all of these areas to see how they played a part. We will also discuss what events drew the United
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Case Study of Prince Edward Island Company-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Case study of Prince Edward Island Preserve Company. Answer: Introduction The Prince Edward Island Preserves Company (PEI Preserves) is a manufacturer and retailer of specialty food products located in New Glasgow, P.E.I. The company is founded by Bruce MacNaughton in 1985 which produces high quality specialty foods such as jams preserves, honeys, teas, and coffees using only the highest quality farm gate produce and ingredients. PEI Preserves then diversified and expanded to a wider range of services including restaurants, gift shops, and gardens and had gained popularity not only in other provinces in the country but also globally. Despite the companys success and recognition in its products, it had failed to secure the companys financial need and had gone into receivership in May 2007. Although MacNaughton had been able to repurchase the New Glasgow shop/caf, the adjacent garden property and inventory, PEI preserves needed a feasible product-market strategy to turn around his company. Since the company had been built on gut and emotion, rather than analysis, MacNaughton acknowledged that it is not sufficient for the future. Presented with many growth options to expand its manufacturing and serve a larger market size, the New Glasgow factorys capacity is too small to meet the demands of a larger market. Given the time constraints and lowest net income to revenue ratio, MacNaughton has some major decisions to make. The company needs to have a clear vision, strategy goal and objective critical to the future direction and long-term growth of the company. With a proper analysis on the external and internal (SWOT) environment, MacNaughton can improve PEI Preserves competitive business position. Problem Statement PEI Preserves Companys over diversification and lack of strategy has led to financial losses and an urgent need for direction. Although the company was founded on instinct rather than analysis, the company needs a feasible product-market strategy maximize. Analysis SWOT Analysis PEI Preserves should include SWOT analysis in strategy planning to identify the internal and external factors helpful in matching the firms resources and capabilities to the competitive environment that it operates. Strengths MacNaughtons charisma and personal customer interaction creates a great experience to people especially tourists when visiting the New Glasgow site. Capability to source the greatest quality fruits and raw materials and producing unique and high-quality specialty food products different from its competitors due to its higher fruit content and with champagne, liqueur or whiskey that is not currently in the market. Customer brand loyalty due to its unique food products that consumers buy will regardless of the competition. Broad product mix which includes a wide range of specialized products. Respectable local reputation helps attracts visitors that comes during the summer months. Food products not subject to the 5% national goods and services tax or PEIs 10% provincial sales tax which gives and advantage over other gift products that firms would normally be stressing. Weaknesses Inefficient management due to Bruce MacNaughton frugality and not hiring a management team that could assist him in planning and implementing strategies that the company needed to prosper. Difficulty to attract and retain quality staff due to seasonal operation. Seasonal business structure since Prince Edward Island is mostly a summer vacation destination and most of the companys income is generated during this time only. Limited product promotion since PEI preserves limit itself to personal contact and customer mail order. Cash flow shortage due to the seasonal nature of the business since a large percentage of the income is generated during the summer when visitors are at the island. Opportunities Increasing demand for high-end product both locally and globally. Expansion to two different regions such as Toronto and Japan which can help the company with the cash shortage. Extensive distribution channel including store wholesale in other provinces in the country, hotel chains, and major airlines that will help expand the companys brand. Threats Highly competitive market since the gift and specialization food industry has a few but large players, all competing in the quality, taste, and plan to attract consumers. Array of possible substitutes due to many competitors trying to replicate its products. Competitive pricing capacity due to high priced products, many competitors will try to lower their prices to attract PEI preserves customers. Foreign market awareness and adaptability due to varied consumer preferences from one to country to another, thus a clear understanding of the geographical market that the firm want to enter should be considered carefully. Financial Analysis As evident from the exhibit five, an outline relating to the financial workings has been provided for the PEI Preserve Co. An illustrations obtained from the exhibit five states that the sales have grown by 14.3%. During the financial year of 2008 the company has reported a sales figure for Caf 494160 while in the subsequent year of 2009 the total amount of sales stood 565,000 marking a rise of approximately 14.3 per cent. On the other hand, the cost of sales has increasingly rose by 28% representing that the gross margin has grown slowly and steadily (Scott, 2015). Exhibit five also represents that the company has reported shortage of cash. This is because the cash from the operating line stood negatively to -55000. An assertion can be bought forward in this regard by stating that the firm faces severe shortage of cash. The major factor contributing to the shortage of cash is because of the seasonal nature of the manufacturing operations (Leuz, Wysocki, 2016). Additionally, PEI Preserve Co has failed to secure the appropriate finance to meet the short term business obligations. The major reason contributing to the shortage of cash is because of the higher amount of interest paid by the company on the operating loan. Additionally, the exhibit five represents that the interest and bank charges also included the interest paid by the company on the long term debt and principle. Consequently, the total amount of bank charges stood 95,124 representing a greater level of debt undertaken by PEI Preserve Co. The financial analysis provides that the rise in earnings prior to interest and tax was on the higher side in respect to the growth reported on sales. The rise on sales was reported low in respect to the rise in total assets (Nobes, 2014). An assertion can be bought forward by stating that the rise in sales was higher because of the rise in price by 10% instead of the other factors. Issues Identify issues based on the above analysis. Some of the key issues that were faced by Prince Edward Island Preserve are listed below: Problems relating to cash flow of organization- The success of the diversified products also came with the problems and financing factor was not suitable for the needs of company. Several periods of severe cash shortages were associated with the seasonal nature of manufacturing operations. There was a considerable growth in deficit and the company and in the beginning of 2007, company lost $ 313000. Cash shortage was witnessed in department of cafe and diary bar. Difficulties were witnessed in making payment to creditors and the line of credit by bank was reduced to zero (Sheth Sisodia, 2015). Over diversification- It is ascertained from the case study that numerous products were developed by company ranging from variety of preserves along with mustard, vinegar, honey and repackaged tea. There was the development of diverse product lines. Preferences of consumers were widely diversified. 50% total market demand for jam was occupied by Strawberry jam and there was introduction of more and more varieties of jam simultaneously. Prince Edward Island Reserve had also developed other line of products such as speciality food market and gift and gourmet. Moreover, it also introduced some luxury products that could be sold with a proper marketing strategy and over the years, several forms of diversification occurred. This made problematic for company to concentrate of their specification and targeting a particular segment of market. When the customers are presented with too many choices then there is a possibility of shutting down and diversification at product level is somewhat ri sky. Lack of efficiency in operation- Operations of business of restaurant was questionable because gross margin was increasing at slower pace. This slow increase in gross margin was questionable cost of sales increased more than growth in sales. Process of production of company is labour incentives and this has lower down the productivity of organization. There is no automation of bottling process resulting from decorative fringe that is required to be done by labours. However, there is no guarantee that the product has the requirement of fringe for the bottling process is essential. Moreover, no proper cost benefit analysis was performed by the restaurant and this has resulted in the loss from operations. The main area of concern was the operations of company and it was perceived that the management is not able to take the advantage of opportunities for making the operation process efficient (Houston et al., 2014). Lack of strategy- There is no viable strategy for marketing the products of Prince Edward Island Preserve. It was required by the organization to formulate proper corporate strategy because the industry in which organization is operating is considerably different from that of speciality foods and gifts. The restaurant business of the organization was not the suitable strategy as a part of expansion of business (Baldacchino, 2015). Therefore, the reason associated with the business making loss and negative generation of cash flow in certain department is inappropriate formulation of their strategy. Alternatives Alternative 1 Rethinking of the corporate strategy: One of the options of the PEI Preserve Co is that at the current stage the company is required to think about the corporate strategy whether the firm wishes to continue the business of restaurant. The market of restaurant is considered to be entirely different from the gifts and speciality food market having little collaborations (Luez Wysocki, 2016). Even though the restaurant industry is bringing constant amount of revenues across the year for PEI Preserve Co the management is proving as the threat for the company and this is the major disadvantage. As the income statement collectively presents the financial performance both the restaurant it is difficult to gain the information which of the unit is yielding higher amount of profit for both the locations or just one of the unit. By gaining additional amount of information on the cost and revenues, PEI Preserve Co might be able to determine this options better. On the positive side discontinuing the business of restaurant would assist PEI Preserve Co in easing out the pressure on the vital resources of both the financial and the non-financial aspects (Martnez et al., 2015). By enhancing the financial health of PEI Preserve Co the firm would be in the better position of undertaking more rapid expansion in the areas of gifts and speciality foods market. This could be attained by expanding the business in Tokyo. Additionally, the Tokyo expansion can be gained through merely approaching the new banks that might be interested in offering finance to PEI Preserve Co at the favourable in terest rate. Alternative 2 Issuing preferred shares and expanding in the local market of Tokyo: The PEI Preserve Co can issue preferred shares though it might not be considered as the tax efficient method of raising finance but would provide the firm with much needed cash in meeting the short term obligations. An alternative option for PEI Preserve Co is to exploit the market of Tokyo. This is because the local market of Tokyo would provide PEI Preserve Co to gain massive advantage through lower cost of transport and marketing collaboration. The growing market of Tokyo would help the company in attracting the local consumer and consequently the firm can gain significant amount of market share (Deegan, 2013). Furthermore, another alternative for PEI Preserve Co is to open the retail store at the Japanese airport as this would enable the firm in attracting millions of tourists. On denoting the fact that The PEI Preserve Co does not have any sales agent in Tokyo. Therefore, it can be considered that opening a retail store at the Japanese airport and expanding the consumer base in Tokyo might be a better method of attracting several distributors in and around Tokyo. This would help in creating an alliance which could provide the opportunity of exploiting the Tokyo market. Alternative 3 Setting up the manufacturing unit in Japan: A different alternative for The PEI Preserve Co is that the company might consider setting up the manufacturing unit locally in Japan. The firm can additionally consider outsourcing manufacturing package as this would help in lower the import duties and margins for middleman which would represents a higher profit from the Japanese market (Schaltegger Burritt, 2017). Nevertheless, if the The PEI Preserve Co undertakes the decision of outsourcing, they must ensure controlling the quality. This is because the cost reducing outsourcing is pursued instead of undertaking the reducing outsourcing. Additionally, a large number of evidences has been obtained where the market of Tokyo is regarded as the growing market for the PEI Preserve Co. Even though the market might appear unknown for PEI Preserve Co but Bruce MacNoughton can learn about the Japanese market and specialty food market by learning about the culture (Zhang Andrew, 2014). Problems might arise relating to the high import tariff and rent in Tokyo which is unfavourable for the PEI Preserve Co but it can be a good market to exploit based on the presence of higher population density. Recommendation The general recommendations which can be provided to improve the overall efficiency of the company are given below: The company needs to critically think and change the operational process of the company such as reduce the over diversification which the company is currently engaged in and also overall improve the quality of the products of the company which can be shown by putting quality seals and meeting the licensing standard of domestic and foreign markets (Hooker, 2012). Another issue which the company faces is the seasonality problem in the products which the company is producing. The company can further expand into foreign markets where by introducing the products can reduce the overall seasonality problem of the company (Chang Chou, 2013). For example, the company has access to Japans market and therefore the company can tap into the Japanese consumer market and reduce the problem of seasonality. The company needs to send executives to japan in order to set up an effective retail and distribution system which can facilitate appropriate supply of the products of PEI Preserves in the market of japan (Armstrong et al., 2015). Another problem which the company faces is the crisis of liquidity requirements. The company needs to select the sources through which the company can have access to required funds. The sources of the funds can be equity and debt that is the company can issue shares or take up loans from a bank or other financial institution (Panigrahi, 2013). The business can tie up with a bank to provide to the financing requirements of the company. The company also needs to determine whether the restaurant business of the company is profitable or not and then decide whether to continue with the business or sell off the business. The alternatives as provided above clearly states that the company needs to expand in the market of Japan and also set up retail and distribution system and it is recommended that the company should focus on the expansion of the business in foreign markets. The company as per the plan should expand the markets in japan. Implementation Plan The company should be focusing on the expansion plan of the business into new markets. The targeted market of the company is Japan as the management of the company is of the view that the Japanese consumer market has potential and if they can successfully implement the business strategies in the Japanese market. Moreover, with the expansion of the business in Japanese market the issue of seasonality which the company faces can be reduced. The company first needs to analyze the market of Japan and ensure that the market is suitable for the products of the company. The management of the company needs to set an effective retail system which can support the distribution system for the product of the company. As per the market analysis of Japan, the annual consumption of jam in Japanese market is around 80000 tons in approx. Therefore it can be clearly identified that the market of Japan is clearly favorable for setting up the business of jam which is one of the activities which the PEI Preserves is engaged in. The imports of japan as per previous estimates show that the market almost makes around 8 to 9 percent of imports out of total imports for jam products. Various companies import jam products and utilizes the distribution system to take advantage of the favourable conditions present for the jam market. The company needs to analyze the market of Japan and also analyze the taste and preference patterns of the consumers. Importer who are engaged in the importing business in japan have been earning sales of 10 per cent. The management of the company needs to consider the following factors while considering setting up business in new market: Diversification as per preference: The management of the company should consider the taste and preference pattern of the local consumers of the market. In the case of jams, strawberry jams occupy the maximum percentage of market shares in comparison to other types of jams but it all depends on the taste and preference pattern of the consumers (Oyedijo, 2012). Amount on supply: Another consideration is the amount or quantity which is on offer. In normal circumstances the quantity which is on offer is 650 grams, 440 grams and 250 grams. The quantity of jam which is on offer depends on the marketability conditions, infrastructure and also on the local demand in the country. Price of the product: The management of the company also needs to decide on the price of the product as per the local conditions and demand and supply analysis in the country. Marketing Strategies of the Company: The marketing strategies of the company includes the sales promotion activities which the company engages in in order to maximise the sales of the product. In any new market the companies need to ensure that there are appropriate system of distribution and also appropriate infrastructure required for effective operation of the business (Morgan, Katsikeas Vorhies, 2012). The need for infrastructure and incorporating proper distribution system is to be supervised by the president of the company that is Bruce MacNaughton. Bruce needs to travel to japan personally and ensure that proper infrastructures are present in the market which the company can utilize in order to expand and operate efficiently in the new market. The president will also be making preparations of setting up the companys own distribution system, and also select potential sites for opening a retail store for the company. As per the plan of the management, the retail store and distribution system need to be developed and establish in a period one years time. The main factor which attracted the company to invest in Tokyo project is due to the immense benefit PEI Preserve Co. will be getting as such will be reducing the seasonality problem which the company is facing, and also bulid a brand name of the company in the market of Japan. The company will also be benefitting from the economie s of scale which are present in the market of japan if the company engages in large scale production utilizing the resources of the country considering the distribution system and supply chain system of the country. The risks which any company faces when entering a new market is the risks of competitors. PEI preserves co will also be facing tough competitions from the established companies of Japan. Moreover it will also have to compete with companies which are engaged in the business of importing jam products and distributing the same in the local market of japans. The management of the PEI preserves also needs to address the other issues which the company faces which are given below: Liquidity issues: The company faces serious liquidity issues which the management of the company needs to address if the company wants to improve the overall business efficiency of the company. The management of the company can finance the liquidity requirements by either taking a loan from banks or financial institutions or can issue equity shares which can raise the capital as required by the company. Operating Structure: The company needs to improve the core operating structure which the company is presently using. The company needs to critically rethink the operating system of the company and further redesign the operating structure of the company. Infrastructure: The management of the company needs to improve the infrastructure and distribution system which the company is currently operating with and also there is scope of improvement in the marketing strategies of the business such as introduction of promotional strategies and also introducing promotional strategies such gifts, lucky draw. Conclusion Thus it can be concluded that the PEI Preserves can make improvements in the strategies of the company which can lead to the overall development of the overall business. The company best option is to expand the business of the company in new markets as in this case the market of Japan is considered where the business is planning to expand. The company is also planning to issue preference shares in order to raise the capital requirement of the company. The infrastructure of the company and the distribution and supply chain system of the company is also to be adjusted as per the requirement of the new market. As per the analysis of the case study, it will be in the best interest of the company if the president of the company himself goes to survey the new market and also set up a new retail store in the new market after analyzing the market and potential store locations in the country. Exhibits Exhibit A: Revenue Vs. Expenses Exhibit B: Profit Contribution Percentages References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., Brennan, R. (2015).Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Baker, M. J. (2014).Marketing strategy and management. Palgrave Macmillan. Baldacchino, G. (Ed.). (2015).Entrepreneurship in small Island states and territories(Vol. 8). Routledge. Chang, C. T., Chou, H. C. (2013). A coordination system for seasonal demand problems in the supply chain.Applied Mathematical Modelling,37(6), 3674-3686. Deegan, C. (2013).Financial accounting theory. McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Hooker, C. A. (Ed.). (2012).Physical theory as logico-operational structure(Vol. 7). 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Two Cheers for Materialism by James Twitchell Profiles in Splurging’ by Randall Patterson A combined overview Essay Example
Two Cheers for Materialism by James Twitchell Profiles in Splurging’ by Randall Patterson : A combined overview Essay In â€Å"Two Cheers for Materialism,†James Twitchell posits that â€Å"We live through things, we create ourselves through things and we change ourselves by changing our things.†When we look at this claim by the author, it sounds like a veiled criticism of a materialist culture. But through numerous apt examples and nuanced explanations, Twitchell comes around to acknowledge the power of consumerist impulses and seeks to explain what drives them. He also argues that capitalist consumerism is not something that is imposed on people as academic critics often claim. Instead, the continued thriving of consumerism is due to our own innate needs, desires and aspirations. The article by Randall Patterson titled ‘Profiles in Splurging’ complements Twitchell’s core thesis. This essay will qualify the aforementioned working thesis by considering all the facts and arguments presented in these two articles. To a great extent, the claim in the working thesis can be viewed as a logical one and there is evidence all around us that validates and supports it. The acquisition of property and goods is often used as a hallmark of success where the ones who have the â€Å"best†, â€Å"biggest†or â€Å"most†of something are considered most successful. To appreciate that, one only needs to observe the mass media, especially television, magazines as well as online polls. Every year Forbes comes out with a list of the richest in the world. There are surveys to show, for instance which footballer owns the biggest car and art enthusiasts and collectors often strive to have the most extensive collection of paintings, books and many other ostentatious goods. For example Bill Gates is ranked as the richest man in the world, this ranking being based on our perception of money as an indirect endorsement for the man as the most successful businessman alive. These measurements do no t take into account what he has achieved, how many people he has helped or even how happy he is. All that counts are the possessions he has accumulated. Thus the rest of America works tirelessly to acquire as much as they can and often forgetting to enjoy them since their primary goal is to be viewed as successful in their circles. The most direct route to that is to buy and flaunt. It is as if most Americans would pick money over happiness if they had a chance. We will write a custom essay sample on Two Cheers for Materialism by James Twitchell Profiles in Splurging’ by Randall Patterson : A combined overview specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Two Cheers for Materialism by James Twitchell Profiles in Splurging’ by Randall Patterson : A combined overview specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Two Cheers for Materialism by James Twitchell Profiles in Splurging’ by Randall Patterson : A combined overview specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Twitchell is not blind to the obvious flaws of consumerist culture. Going by the centrality that society offers material possessions it would then appear that the poor lack meaning and inevitably faces exclusion from society. A look at the social stratification will confirm that the more one owns the higher they are to climb the ladder of status and prestige. For instance, I imagine the guards in an exclusive hotel are more likely to open the gate for an expensive looking top of the range car than they are for a homeless man or generally disheveled individual. Likewise most Ivy League educational institutions are meant to groom the next generation of political and business leaders at the exclusion of the poor. This discrimination transpires into the workplace as well, where graduates from Ivy League institutions are hired into managerial positions while the economically disadvantaged compete for entry level positions. This is because the consumerist society in which we exist sustains itself by excluding anyone who does not conform to the culture of endless buying and since human beings are social creatures, most of us try to keep up with the consumerist trends (Twitchell). The ‘cool’ and successful individuals and groups at the top of the chain who are the subject of the collective admiration from the less successful are extremely dynamic. This must be so otherwise the materialist culture would come up even if they were to remain static for others to keep up with them. For instance when technology devices such as the new iPhone are unveiled, there are those who can afford to purchase them immediately notwithstanding the price. The rest will save until they can afford the device; however, some months down the line, when they are almost achieving this end, a new more expensive model is unveiled and quickly grabbed by the rich as the rest are left in second place as always. This cycle of changing trends and fashions is what ultimately drives consume rism and manipulates many Americans to keep buying items not for the items own sake but to enhance their identity. In other words, by flouting the possession of fashionable gadgets and accessories, consumers implicitly send out the message that they ‘belong’ or they are ‘successful’. But this identity is superficial and lacking in substance. It is based on an aspiration for vague attainments such as ‘status’. While conceding that materialism causes inequity and encourages superficiality, Twitchell shows how consumerism is part of human nature. Nevertheless, the issue of using material things to create an identity is a two sided coin and there are circumstances where this reasoning would not apply. In addition, to take his claim to be fully logical, one must assume that indeed all acquisitions of property are driven by the desire to create an identity; this assumption would however be quite fallacious. When one buys a car for instance, they may consider it ostentatious value but the main reason they buy it is for the functional vehicular role. This also applies to the purchase of big houses and extensive property. For some people, property and wealth are not by itself an end but a means. One could extend the same reason and claim that consumerism is not behind Bill Gates’ enormous wealth. According to popular opinion he is most notable because of being the richest in the world. H owever it is quite possible that he did not set out to make money but to create computer products such as Windows which came to be greatly demanded globally and as such, for him to meet the needs of billion users. He makes his billions too, but as a by-product and a necessary part of his business. In addition, wealth is used to make distinctions in achievements and it can be viewed as a scale through which human beings can distinguish achievements for effective competition. Thus the more successful one is, say in business, the more money they make and this increases their potential to spend on things that may seem to others as luxuries but with more money one’s definition of necessities changes. Support for Twitchell’s central thesis is found in the article by Randall Patterson for the New York Times. Titled ‘Profiles in Splurging’, the article is a composite sketch of four individuals whose stories serve as testimony to consumerism. Dispelling conventional wisdom that ‘money cannot buy happiness’ the author narrates stories of four Americans who found meaningful happiness through consumption. Whether it is buying a versatile lawn-mower or a Mercedes car or a grand picturesque house, these are profiles of individuals who achieved their American Dream through consumerism. Hence the claim made in the working thesis is not merely true but also leads to benign consequences. Ultimately the statement â€Å"We live through things, we create ourselves through things and we change ourselves by changing our things†in a sense is incomplete by itself since there can be two opposing sides depending on the context. It would be impossible to reconcile both sides of the argument considering that each side provides logical arguments. As such one can conclude that the extent to which materialism defines or does not define individuals or society is dependent on the circumstances under which one acquires or fails to acquire wealth. Evidently some pursue consumerism in pursuit of material objects so they may use them to give their lives meaning. On the other hand others require these things simply so their lives may progress smoothly or they just acquire them as a means to a greater none-material end. References: James Twitchell, ‘Two Cheers for Materialism‘ Adapted from Lead Us Into Temptation: The Triumph of American Materialism, 1999, retrieved from on 12th September 2013 Randall Patterson, Profiles in Splurging, The New York Times Magazine, October 2000, retrieved from on 12th September 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Example
To Kill a Mockingbird Essay How does Jem and Scout change during the course of the novel? How do they stay the same? Through the perspectives of Jem and Scout Finch, the world’s famous classic, Harper Lee’s â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird†, explores adults’ discrimination towards race and colour, as Atticus Finch defends a Negro. Caught in the midst of it all, his children were forced to experience the severe consequences. Reluctant at first, Jem and Scout took everything to heart, but over a period of time, they gradually learnt to tolerate it as they grow into maturity. Throughout the novel, Jem Finch had transformed from an impulsive, mischievous boy into a responsible, thoughtful grown up. â€Å"No’, said Miss Stephanie. â€Å"Shot in the air. Scared him pale though. Says if anybody sees†¦ swiftly in front of Jem. â€Å"Yawl, write, hear? †he bawled after us. ’ (pp. 60 – 61) In the first part of the novel, Jem was almost caught for spying on his neighbors. This was a very foolish act from Jem as he should have known better than to infiltrate someone else’s property. But in the second half the novel, Jem seems to have evolved immensely. You oughta let your mother know where you are†, said Jem. â€Å"You oughta let your mother know you’re†¦ without your mother knowing’. †(pp. 155 – 156). Jem has good potential in notifying Atticus of Dill’s arrival. Even though, it meant betraying his friend’s loyalty, Jem had made the right decision. Jem’s rapid development had introduced him to the injustice of the adult world. Although, Jem had made a miraculous transition, Scout had her own story. â€Å"Aunt Alexandra was fanatical on the subject of my attire. I could not possibly hope He didn’t mind me much the way I do†. (p. 0) Aunt Alexandra was concerned about Scout physically and mentally. She thinks Scout should dress and behave more in a ladylike way, even though Scout was just satisfied with the way she was. With this in mind, Aunt Alexandra decided to lend a hand. â€Å"Jem’s growing up now and you are too†, she said to me. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer †We decided that it would be best for to have some feminine influence. †(p. 140) Aunt Alexandra was coming to live with Jem and Scout, in the hopes of having an impact on Scout. However, it was not until the very end that Scout actually benefited from her aunt’s stay. Mr. Arthur, bend your arm down here, like that. That’s right†¦ escorting me down the sidewalk, as any gentleman would. †(p. 306) Scout had put her ladylike skills into practice by the way she had helped Boo Radley act like a gentleman. Consequently it was under Aunt Alexandra’s influence that Scout was able to successfully become a lady. Despite the fact that Jem and Scout both have to deal with their own dilemma, they always look out for one another. ‘When Jem came home he asked me where I got such a wad. I told him I found it†¦ You’ll get killed if you do! †(p. 7) Jem was very vigilant of his Scout, he is always worried about her safety and wellbe ing. Being the youngest, Scout is often causing a lot of chaos. Though in a similar way, Scout always came to Jem’s defense. â€Å"I’ll send him home†, a burly man said, and grabbed Jem roughly by the collar. He yanked Jem nearly.. nobody gonna do Jem that way,†I said. ’ (p. 168) Scout is very protective of her brother. She doesn’t like to see him hurt or harmed by strangers. This emphasizes that Jem and Scout care a lot about each other and will always be there for each other. Jem and Scout’s inseparable siblings bond had helped each other though difficult times. Apart from their close connection, Jem and Scout’s relationship with Atticus is very strong. ‘With this in mind, I faced Cecil Jacobs in the school yard the next day. â€Å"You gonna take that back, boy? ††¦ I would let Atticus down. ’ With her pride at stake, Scout was about to get into another fight, but then refrained at the last minute and thought about Atticus. She knew if she continued Atticus would be very disappointed and sad. This encapsulates Scout’s faithfulness to her father; she wanted him to be proud of her. Alternatively, Jem cares for Atticus in a slightly different manner. â€Å"Scout, try to not antagonize Aunt, hear? †Atticus’ remarks were still rankling, which made me miss the request in Jem’s question. My†¦ now for my edification and instruction. ’ (pp. 151 – 152) This demonstrates Jem’s consideration and love for Atticus. Jem really worries about Atticus and so he tells Scout to not disturb him. Jem is aware of what Atticus is going through and doesn’t want Scout, on top of it all, to cause him more istress. Jem and Scout, each express their affection for Atticus in different ways, Jem cares for Atticus through the approach of understanding his situation, whereas Scout would listen and follow Atticus’ instructions. It is therefore evidence that Jem and Scout had adapted to many obstacles as they grown into maturity. Without the support from each other, they would not have made it through. From an impulsive boy and a tomboyish girl, Jem and Scout had materialized into a responsible grown up boy and a lady. To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Example To Kill a Mockingbird Essay The book is set in the year 1933 in a small town called Maycomb, Alabama. In 1933 slavery is no longer legal but racism is common among people. At this time in the south the town is divided by race. This is portrayed in the town by different churches, schools, and communities. The theme of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is how racial prejudice hurts people, which are illustrated by Bob Ewell, the lynch mob, and Lula. One example of racism in To Kill a Mockingbird is Bob Ewell.Bob see’s Mayella and Tom Robinson through a window and is very mad. He’s not only mad because his oldest daughter is with someone in his kitchen, it’s because she was with a black man in his kitchen. Bob Ewell has no problem lying in court and making Mayella lie in court. Instead of telling the truth by saying he beat Mayella for letting a black man into his house, he makes up a whole story about what happened that day because he is racist. He even expresses his racism in court in fron t of the jury, judge, and audience.When testifying at the witness stand he says,†I seen that black negro yonder ruttin’ on my Mayella! †(Lee 173). Bob Ewell doesn’t hold back his racial prejudice for the courtroom. When Mayella is in the kitchen with Tom Robinson, Bob Ewell gets very angry. His character represents how some people in Maycomb just have a problem interacting with other races. Bob Ewell is a racist man. Another example of racism in To Kill a Mockingbird is the mob that comes to lynch Tom Robinson. To lynch somebody means to hang them without police involved or a legal process used.The mob is made up of citizens of Maycomb who want to take the law into their own hands. They feel that a trial is not necessary and that Tom Robinson should be killed no matter what actually happened because he is black. They think that an accusation from one of the most selfish, uneducated, racist families in Maycomb is enough to have a black man killed. This mob represents the majority of the townsfolk. These people like Mr. Cunningham are average Maycomb citizens. They are extremely racist and won’t even think twice about lynching an accused man like Tom Robinson.When they try to lynch Tom while he’s in prison, Atticus defends him. †He in there Mr. Finch? ’ a man said. ‘He is,’ we heard Atticus answer,’ and he’s asleep, don’t wake him up. ’ ‘You know what we want, another man said, ‘get aside from the door Mr. Finch. ’ ‘You can turn around and go home again, Walter†(Lee 151). This quote shows that the mob is clearly going to lynch Tom Robinson because he is a black man accused of rape. The mob went after Tom Robinson only because he is black, therefore, shows the racism in the book. Racism is present in most of the townsfolk.Another example of racism in To Kill a Mockingbird is Lula. Calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to her church because the k ids aren’t responsible to go by themselves to their church. When she brings the kids there, they are the only white people at the church. She is confronted by another member of the church, Lula. †She spoke quietly, contemptuously. ’ I wants to know why you brinin’ white chillun to a negro church. ’ ‘Theys my comp’ny. ’ Said Calpurnia. Lula said,’ you ain’t got no business bringin’ white chillun here-they got their church, we got our’n.It is our church, ain’t it Miss Cal? ‘It’s the same God ain’t it? ’ (Lee 119). This represents the racism directed toward white people. This also shows that Calpurnia doesn’t have any racial prejudice and that she wants equality between people. By defending Jem and Scout and standing up to the racism, Calpurnia is able to use God to show people that racism is bad no matter who it is directed towards. This quote shows that racism i n the book is not only directed towards black people. This scene shows that sometimes black people can be racist towards white people.Racsim in the book can be directed towards anybody. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee has many themes, but the main one is how racism puts people down which is portrayed by Lee through Bob Ewell, the lynch mob, and Lula. The reader learns that that U. S. history has a lot of racial prejudice. Also, that almost everybody in the south is racist and that few people stood up to it. The reader also learns that racism was a very common excuse for killing people. The reader also learns that prejudice can be directed towards any race, religion, or group of people.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Constructing a Questionnaire
Constructing a Questionnaire The general format of the questionnaire is easy to overlook, yet it is something that is just as important as the wording of the questions asked. A questionnaire that is poorly formatted can lead respondents to miss questions, confuse respondents, or even cause them to throw the questionnaire away. First, the questionnaire should be spread out and uncluttered. Oftentimes researchers fear that their questionnaire looks too long and therefore they try to fit too much onto each page. Instead, each question should be given it’s own line. Researchers should not try to fit more than one question on a line because that could cause the respondent to miss the second question or get confused. Second, words should never be abbreviated in an attempt to save space or make a questionnaire shorter. Abbreviating words can be confusing to the respondent and not all abbreviations will be interpreted correctly. This could cause the respondent to answer the question a different way or skip it entirely. Lastly, ample space should be left between questions on each page. Questions should not be too close together on the page or the respondent might be confused as to when one question ends and another begins. Leaving a double space between each question is ideal. Formatting Individual Questions In many questionnaires, respondents are expected to check one response from a series of responses. There may be a square or circle next to each response for the respondent to check or fill in, or the respondent might be instructed to circle their response. Whatever method is used, instructions should be made clear and displayed prominently next to the question. If a respondent indicates their response in a way that is not intended, this could hold up data entry or cause data to be miss-entered. Response choices also need to be equally spaced. For example, if you’re response categories are yes, no, and maybe, all three words should be equally spaced from each other on the page. You do not want yes and no to be right next to each other while â€Å"maybe†is three inches away. This could mislead respondents and cause them to choose a different answer than intended. It could also be confusing to the respondent. Question-Wording The wording of questions and response options in a questionnaire is very important. Asking a question with the slightest difference in wording could result in a different answer or could cause the respondent to misinterpret the question. Oftentimes researchers make the mistake of making questions unclear and ambiguous. Making each question clear and unambiguous seems like an obvious guideline for constructing a questionnaire, however, it is commonly overlooked. Often researchers are so deeply involved in the topic being studied and have been studying it for so long that opinions and perspectives seem clear to them when they might not be to an outsider. Conversely, it might be a new topic and one that the researcher has only a superficial understanding of, so the question might not be specific enough. Questionnaire items (both the question and the response categories) should be so precise that the respondent knows exactly what the researcher is asking. Researchers should be cautious about asking respondents for a single answer to a question that actually has multiple parts. This is called a double-barreled question. For example, let’s say you ask respondents whether they agree or disagree with this statement: The United States should abandon its space program and spend the money on health care reform. While many people might agree or disagree with this statement, many would not be able to provide an answer. Some might think the U.S. should abandon its space program, but spend the money elsewhere (not on health care reform). Others might want the U.S. to continue the space program, but also put more money into the health care reform. Therefore, if either of these respondents answered the question, they would be misleading the researcher. As a general rule, whenever the word and appears in a question or response category, the researcher is likely asking a double-barreled question and measures should be taken to correct it and ask multiple questions instead. Ordering Items In A Questionnaire The order in which questions are asked can affect responses. First, the appearance of one question can affect the answers given to later questions. For instance, if there are several questions at the beginning of a survey that asks about the respondents’ views on terrorism in the United States and then following those questions is an open-ended question asking the respondent what they believe to be dangers to the United States, terrorism is likely to be cited more than it otherwise would be. It would be better to ask the open-ended question first before the topic of terrorism is put into the respondents’ head. Efforts should be made to order the questions in the questionnaire so they do not affect subsequent questions. This can be hard and nearly impossible to do with each question, however, the researcher can try to estimate what the various effects of different question orders would be and choose the ordering with the smallest effect. Questionnaire Instructions Every questionnaire, no matter how it is administered, should contain very clear instructions as well as introductory comments when appropriate. Short instructions help the respondent make sense of the questionnaire and make the questionnaire seem less chaotic. They also help put the respondent in the proper frame of mind for answering the questions. At the very beginning of the survey, basic instructions for completing it should be provided. The respondent should be told exactly what is wanted: that they are to indicate their answers to each question by placing a checkmark or X in the box beside the appropriate answer or by writing their answer in the space provided when asked to do so. If there is one section on the questionnaire with closed-ended questions and another section with open-ended questions, for example, instructions should be included at the beginning of each section. That is, leave instructions for the closed-ended questions just above those questions and leave the instructions for the open-ended questions just above those questions rather than writing them all at the beginning of the questionnaire. References Babbie, E. (2001). The Practice of Social Research: 9th Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Highlights of Human Resource Management Research Paper
Highlights of Human Resource Management - Research Paper Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that Human Resource Management department looks over that people working in the organization are in the right job, this part of HR’s job includes hiring the right people for the job and also the firing process of any organization. It also helps employees in upgrading their skills when necessary, this step involves training of employees. Human Resource departments are usually not paid much attention. Organizations fail to realize their importance and need in the running of any firm. Human Resource Department’s most important task will probably be creating a work-friendly environment in an organization. A better work environment will lead to employees to work at their best which will in turn increase the efficiency of the firm. Since this department is linked with the management o the organization’s workforce it may help bridge the gap between the employer and the employee leading to a better relationship. Absence of Human Resource Management department may lead to poor environment for employees to work in there by discouraging prospective employees to join. This department further helps the organization it is working for in public relations it helps with the image of the organization which may make it attractive for prospective employees which may lead to a better workforce to be interested in working in that particular organization. Sometimes the Human Resource Department plays in active role in making business and marketing plans. Another big highlight to this department is it takes off the responsibility of hiring new employees off the shoulders of the owners and the management. In this the management and the owners will be able to focus more on their core issue than to the process of hiring new employees which in turn will affect the productivity of the organization.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Reflective journal on management skills Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reflective journal on management skills - Article Example A manager ought to be both a leader and a motivator. Before acting, a manager ought to consider the adverse effects her actions will have on both the immediate task at hand and the organization at large. A manager must always remember that the greatest asset in the organization is the people working there. In this instant scenario, the lead counselor dismissed the counselor’s ideas in a contemptuous manner that showed an inadequate possession of ‘people skills’. This is why the event occurred. This event is a good learning experience as it showed me how not to deal with employees when I become a manager. Employees need to feel appreciated. Reflecting on the scenario above, I have come to realize that even though as a manager I will have the final say on whatever action has to be taken, I need to be a good listener. This is especially crucial when I am listening to input that I personally consider as being worth nothing. This will change the way I interact with my staff. I don’t have to reject an idea in a manner that will leave the employee feeling worthless. I can do it in a better way. I have realized that employees being human, I need to respect their emotions. LaMalfa (2007, pg1) observes that â€Å"research shows that emotionally connected employees are the best employees because they are engaged and productive, and they feel validated and appreciated†. I need to make my employees appreciated so that I may be a good team leader. To achieve this I need to be more open and receptive to ideas from others especially those I consider my subordinates. This is because I am not perfect and the best ideas sometimes come from ‘subordinates’. Developing a teamwork attitude is perhaps the best way to achieve this transformation as I will then be seeing myself as being part of such ideas and won’t feel intimidated when a subordinate proposes changes to my ideas or even better ideas than mine. LaMalfa, K., 2007, The
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Interview - Essay Example People seeking legal advice from the lawyers will feel secure since civility was being portrayed by the lawyers (Robinson, 2004). What are the opportunities to exercise civility in your daily life, such as at work or at home? The way we treat each other is what matters to determine civility. Civility is accompanied first politeness, this is a manner in which carries himself in the occasion that he or she is seeking for assistance. For instance, assuming one is the receptionist, a client approaches him or her to seek for guidance on a certain issue. The first thing one should do is greeting the client making him or her feel that at home, the client may annoy in the sense that he or she may be abusive or nagging, but remember the receptionist should understand and maintain high levels of politeness thus sending a positive signal, and marketing the institution as one which deals with clients in a polite manner (Robinson, 2004). The other aspect of civility is etiquette, this applies in working environment and a in home set up. One should learn to apologize if he or she has wronged, the simple worlds of am sorry and I apologize may mean a lot in this situation. In the working environment etiquette may be inform of dressing, work ethics treating of clients and facial expression. The first issue will be all about dressing, it should reflect ones character in that being well groomed will show ones seriousness in dealing with matters in hand. Also about work ethics, one should know the set procedures, for instance gossiping while a client is waiting to be served is unacceptable. One should keep in mind that working hours are different from resting hours. The word civility is used by different organization so as to enhance client confident. the all issue of one being civil is a matter of public relation in that how you deal with clients in a more friendly and professional way. The last one is all about facial expressions in that ones look portrays ones character, a smil e may hide a lot, you may be having a rough day with you boss or disagreed with a college at work, this should remain in a matter of the company , if a client approaches you for assistance you should not portray what you have been through rather show high levels of professionalism . In a home set up civility is all about being apologetic and respecting each other. A family that is built on the grounds of civility is bound to last. Respect entails both the parents and the children in that it should be mutual. Issues arising and family disputes should be dealt with in a civil manner. This entails calling for a family meeting in which the matter in hand will be resolved. Matters to do with the adults, that is the parents should be dealt with in secrete rather than in front of the children (Robinson, 2004). If there is one thing that defines a person who is civil, what would it be? Respect is what defines a person who is civil. If at one learns to show respect in all aspect then civilit y will be a daily occurrence. This means that respecting ones duties, if one is assigned certain duties they should be performed heartedly. This will ensure one conducts him or her self performed according the laid down procedure which are laid on the basis of civility. Also if one respect the other person he should be polite to him which is an aspect in civility. I a family set up; respect ensures the family stays at bay. This is respect brushes out the issue of conflict and quarrels, the domestic
Friday, November 15, 2019
Zinc Deficiency in Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression
Zinc Deficiency in Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression Study of the relation between zinc deficiency in pregnancy and postpartum depressin Maryam Asltoghiri, Zahra Ghodsi Abstract Maternal zinc deficiency during pregnancy has been related to adverse pregnancy outcome. Recently, zinc deficiency has been on the focus as causing depression. The study was conducted to the determine the relation between zinc deficiency in pregnancy and postpartum depression. This prospective describe-analytical study was conducted on the population of women admitted to Fatemmie hospital in Hamedan city in west of Iran in 2011 .The study sample included 132 normal ( non depressed confirmed by the beck test) pregnant woman who were selected by convenient non-probability methods. Blood sample were collected from pregnant cases in 38-40 weeks and serum zinc was assessed by Enzymatic technique. Standard values under 85 mg/dl were defined zinc deficiency. In 28th days after delivery, they completed the Edinburgh Questionnaire. The relation between their postpartum depression and zinc deficiency was assessed. There was no significant difference in demographic in the between two groups. Th e results showed that zinc deficiency had increased the chance of postpartum depression (p Key words: zinc deficiency, postpartum depression Introduction Women, especially women of child-bearing age, are at high risk of depression ( Escriba`-Agu ¨ir Artazcoz 2011). PPD is a condition occurring in the post-natal period characterized by depressed mood, lack of energy, disruptions of sleep and appetite, loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities, (Crayton Walsh, 2007 ); irritability, excessive physical complaints, lack of libido (Zauderer, 2009), (Gjerdingen et al, 2009 ). Women with PPD may also have recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation, or recurrent thoughts about harming the baby. The onset of PPD may be as early as 4 weeks but is most commonly diagnosed between 6 and 12 weeks postpartum (Posmontier 2008). Postpartum depression (PPD) is a significant public health concern. (Krause et al 2009) Maternal depression is very common globally, the prevalence of which ranges from 15% in the United States to 35% in low-income. Furthermore, the average prevalence of maternal postpartum depression within 6–8 wk af ter childbirth is 13% in the general population. (DiGirolamo Ramirez-Zea 2009) Postpartum depression is a mood disorder that has harmful effects on mothers, infants, family and relationships (Nikseresht, 2010) The consequences of postnatal depression on child development in early infancy, later infancy and early childhood have been the focus of a number of studies, with cognitive, emotional and social development potentially affected. (Leigh Milgrom, 2008). Therefore, identifying and treating depression early is a well recognized, public health priority (Segre et al, 2010) Furthermore, depression appears to be more severe in postpartum women and has an increased risk of recurrence. (Krause et al, 2009) Screening for depression in postpartum women is strongly encouraged. (Segre et al, 2010) Given the high prevalence and serious consequences of postnatal depression, efforts have been made to identify risk factors to assist in prevention, identification and treatment. (Leigh Milgrom , 2008). Most observers consider a history of depression, antenatal depression (Posmontier, 2008), stressful life events, low social support, marital problems ( Escriba`-Agu ¨ir Artazcoz, 2011) antenatal anxiety, negative cognitive attributional style, low self-esteem, and low income Other risk factors for postnatal depression cited in the literature include young age, fewer years of education, a history of miscarriage and pregnancy termination and a history of childhood sexual abuse (Leigh Milgrom, 2008) to be implicated in the development of depression, but there is little information available about biological factors. Zinc, one of the biological factors. The importance of zinc was first documented for Aspergillus niger. It took over 75 years to realize that zinc is also an essential trace element for rats and an additional 30 years went by before it was recognized that this was also true for humans. (Hasse et al, 2008) Zinc is one of the most important micronutrient with essential role in biochemical regulation of the body functions (Arast, 2009) Zinc is a cofactor for polymerases and proteases involved in many cellular functions (e.g., wound repair, intestinal epithelial cell regeneration). Zinc has antioxidant properties and may protect against macular degeneration from oxidative stress (Saper Rash, 2009) Due to the wide prevalence of zinc deficiency and the multitude of zinc’s essential biological functions, nutritional correction of zinc deficiency may have a significant impact on different aspects of human health. (Hasse et al, 2008). The prevalence of zinc deficiency is estimated to be high, with billions of people at risk, in particular in the developing world (Saper Rash, 2009) The importance of zinc in pregnancy period was widely studied in various countries. Variation in zinc plasma levels during pregnancy needs more investigation, because maternal zinc deficiencies may cause some severe abnormalities in the fetus ( arast 2009) The first clinical findings published by Hansen et al. indicated low serum zinc levels in treatment resistant depressed patients. Low serum zinc level was late found in major depressed and minor depressed subjects. (Szewczyk et al, 2010) Siwek and associated in 2010 suggest that Recurrent major depression is associated with decreased blood zinc concentrations that may be increased by effective antidepressant therapy. Given the negative implications of postpartum depression on health and wellbeing of mother and child, the current study aimed to examine prospectively the relationships among zinc deficiency and symptom of depression in Fattemieh hospital in city of Hamedan in west of Iran. Method This prospective describe-analytical study was conducted on the population of pregnant women ( mean gestation weeks = 38-40) admitted to the maternity hospital of Fatemieh in city of Hamedan in west of iran during 9-month period in years of 2011 .The sample consisted of 132 normal pregnant women (non depressed confirmed by the beck test) ranging in age from 20 to 35 years who were selected by convenient non-probability method. Our exclusion criteria were as follow : gestational diabetes, thyroid disorder, preeclampsia, history of infertility and stillbirth, unplanned pregnancy and history of depression . All the subjects were explained about the purpose of the study and were ensured strict confidentiality. Written informed consents were taken from each of women. All participants also reported their age, parity status, level of education, annual household income, marital status and history of abortion. Following University ethics approval, women currently 38 to40 weeks pregnant were invited to participate in a study. Blood samples were collected from pregnant cases and serum zinc was assessed by Enzymatic technique. Standard values under 85 mg/dl were defined zinc deficiency. At this time, They were divided into two groups of Zinc deficiency (n= 68) and normal zinc (n = 64) by their zinc levels. They were homogenized as for the confounders. On the 28th days after delivery ,they completed the Edinburgh questionnaire. We assessed depression with the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), a widely used self-report screening measure, at postpartum. We chose the EPDS because it has been validated for postpartum use and does not include somatic items, such as weight change, loss of energy, and tiredness that may be misleading as indicators of depression in the puerperal period. A score >12 indicates probable depression. Validation of the scale against diagnostic clinical interviews indicated a specificity of 78% and a sensitivity of 86% for all forms of depression. (Herring et al 2008) The relationship between their depression and zinc deficiency in 38-40 was assessed. SPSS (SPSS Inc., Chicago IL) statistical software was used for data analysis. All hypothesis tests were two-sided and P-values2, t-test ,mann Whitney, v-cramer and relative risk were used to analyze the obatained data. Results No statistically significant difference was noted in duration of marriage ( 4.27  ± 2.21 and 3.90  ± 1.53) ,socioeconomic (0.05  ± 1.02 and 0.05  ± 0/98 ), granida (60.9% and 61.8% no delivery), history of abortion ( 10/9 % and 7.4 % )and satisfaction of marriage ( 69.24  ±10.88 and 70.84  ± 10.47) between normal zinc and zinc deficiency groups ,respectively. Participants age ranged from 20 to 35 years (M=26.97 years, SD=3.75 and M=26.51 years, SD=4.31) in normal zinc and zinc deficiency groups ,respectively. At 38-40 weeks of pregnancy 68 women were placed in zinc deficiency and 64 women in normal zinc. 14.1% of the normal zinc and 38.2% of the zinc deficiency were found depressed on the 28th day after delivery and zinc deficiency had increased the chances of postpartum depression by 3.78 times.(p Table 1 : Comparison of depression on normal and zinc deficiency groups Conclusion The results indicated that zinc deficiency at 38-40 weeks gestation predicted, prospectively ,increased depressive symptoms at 28 days after delivery. This supported the proposed hypotheses and extended findings of our previous research suggesting that womens experiences of zinc deficiency may have clinical implications for the development of postpartum depression. Musavi and associated in 2006 expressed that major depressed subjects show significantly lowered serum zinc concentration. Results of this study, according to our study. DiGirolamo and associated in 2009 expressed similar results .Siwek and associated in 2010 expressed that Serum zinc is a state marker of depression. Szewczyk in 2010 showed that IRS activation is accompanied by a decrease in serum zinc level. In fact, in patients with major depression, a low zinc serum level correlated with an increase in the activation of markers of the immune system. Thus, these findings raise the hypothesis that the lower serum zinc observed in depressed patients may, in part, result from a depression-related alteration in the immune-inflammatory system. The other data supporting an important role of zinc in depression comes from the findings that the lower serum zinc level observed in depressed patients could be normalized by successful antidepressant therapy. However so further well-designed, adequately powered research is required .Lai and associated in 2012 suggest that potential benefits of zinc supplementation as a stand-alone intervention or as an adjunct to conventional antidepressant drug therapy for depression. Given symptoms of antenatal and postnatal depression are highly correlated, further research should evaluate the impact of antenatal experiences of zinc deficiency and indirectly via postpartum depression. Zinc deficiency in third trimester of gestation could be due to malnourishment or other conditions such as plasma expansion during pregnancy. Enhancing the daily uptake of zinc at the third trimester could be supportive.( arast et al 2009 )Zinc can improve depressive symptoms by nitrergic pathway. This element as supplement compounds could be alternatives for antidepressants in postpartum period. (Nickseresht 2010) The findings are limited as the relationships of earlier zinc deficiency with postpartum depressive symptom. Our findings indicate the importance of screening for the possible impact of zinc deficiency in earlier stages, to enable early treatment and even prevention of the development of antenatal and postpartum depression. Corresponding author: Maryam Asltoghiri
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Great Depression Essay -- American History
The Causes of the Great Depression The cause of the Great Depression has been debated for many years. The actual cause of the Great Depression is a multitude of factors, there was no single cause. Several reasons for the Great Depression were supply and demand, the banking system, wages of workers, success and failure of business, government policy, excessive speculation in the stock market and the unequal distribution of wealth between the rich and the middle class. While there are many theories to what caused the Great Depression; all of these factors played a role in the Great Depression. The European nations industry had been devastated during the war and they relied on the United States for most goods. The American industry increased production during the war to meet the demand but over production after the war hurt the American industry and agriculture. The United States industry was producing more than the people were buying. The American farmers were faced with the same fundamental problems of over production (McElvaine 35). During the war in Europe the government encouraged a vast increase in agricultural production. During the war the government subsidized many of the farmers. The farmers borrowed heavily during the war to enlarge their farms to meet the demand. After the war the farmers did not slow production and they over produced (McElvaine 36). The United States imposed high tariffs on goods coming into the country but wanted to sell their good freely in Europe (James 103). Congress passed the Fordney-McCumber tariff of 1922 were they placed tarif fs on certain agricultural products which were seldom imported in large quantity to the United States. The tariff should have slowed the agricultur... ...epression can not be contributed to any single reason. There were a multitude of reasons for the collapse of the Stock Market. The Great Depression was felt worldwide. The American economy was the greatest during that time and many nations relied on us. Work Cited Brinkley, Allen. â€Å"The Great Depression†, American History: a survey, New York: McGraw Hill, p 666-685. Freedman, Russell. Children of the Great Depression. New York: Clarion Books, 2005 James, Harold. The End of Globalization: Lessons from the Great Depression. London, England: Harvard University Press, 2001. McElvaine, Robert S. The Great Depression. Toronto, Canada: Times Books, 1984. Smith, Gerald. Planning and the Tariff: An Essay on Philosophy, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1934. Temin, Peter. Monetary Forces Cause the Great Depression, New York: W.W. Norton, 1976.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Legalize Prostitution Essay
Legalize Prostitution BY rwl 9680101 Stand-Alone Project, Part A: Select a contemporary legal issue discussed during this course. Select a topic that interests you. Perform the research. Prostitution: Ethics to Legitimize the Business Many people find the ethical considerations of the death penalty to be highly controversial. However, another highly controversial topic is the legalization of prostitution. Considering my knowledge on this subject and talking to average women who aren’t prostitutes, IVe come to the conclusion that prostitution should be legalized. The courts and the police have more to contend with than two adult eople having consensual sex. Prostitution has a long and interesting history. It’s mentioned in numerous texts and often referred to as the â€Å"oldest profession. †Indeed, it has always been a common way for women to make money, even in biblical times. It wasn’t until Christianity and the Bible condemned prostitution within versus such as Proverbs 23:27-28, â€Å"For a prostitute is a deep pit and a wayward wife is a narrow well. Like a bandit she lies in wait, and multiplies the unfaithful among men. Basically, prostitutes were shunned for their corruption of married men as a moral conflict. Historically, it was common to trade women for property, pleasure and used as alliances between countries and kingdoms. A person can be against prostitution all he or she wants to, but the fact remains that prostitution happened in the past and will continue to happen in the future. It’s a common a ct of the sexes where biological needs can out way monetary cost and societal norm ethical barriers. The business minded culture would call this supply and demand and the blue collar worker would call it an honest days work for an honest days pay. Either way, it’s not that legitimate kingdoms or governments have not recognized prostitution hroughout history, but it appears that they merely renamed and Justified it into something legitimate. History also reminds us that in many ancient cultures, female prostitution was an accepted profession for many women, especially those who could not earn a living any other way – husbands killed in war or died from laboring. It wasn’t until the church – especially the Christian church – decided that sex was bad and that prostitution became a ‘sordid’ form of employment. Even then, on and off, prostitution and brothels enjoyed varying levels of acceptance in the public eye. Some cities and towns had entire ‘red light districts’ where brothels were, if not welcomed, at least tolerated, so long as the owners and management made their ‘donations’ to the local law enforcement. Thus, while strictly illegal, the proliferation of prostitution enabled police corruption to flourish as well. The roots of prostitution may be more evolutionary than previously thought stemming from hereditary instincts of our long forgotten ancestry. A study was conducted in University in Singapore which was accepted for publication in the Journal Animal Behavior (Dec, 2007). In his study of the macaque monkeys he discovered that the mount of grooming a male performs on a female prior to a sexual interaction is related to the supply/demand ratio of females per male and males to females at the time of the grooming. Here’s where that â€Å"supply and demand†or â€Å"an honest days work for an honest days pay’ philosophy comes into play. Basically, male monkeys – especially lower status ones – have to groom more and longer to get some female action when there are fewer females around. Gumert, analyzed a wild population of long-tailed macaques at TanJung Puting National Park in Indonesia, from 2003 to Dr. Gumert analyzed the long-tailed macaques from 2003 to 2005 located at 005. the TanJung Putting National Park in Indonesia.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Great Strike of 1877 Essays
The Great Strike of 1877 Essays The Great Strike of 1877 Essay The Great Strike of 1877 Essay On July 16, 1877, in Martinsburg, West Virginia began the Great Strike of 1877.On this day railroad workers for the Baltimore Ohio Railroad were informed of a ten percent wage cut; this was the second cut like this in eight months.After one train crew abandoned their post other workers followed and the strike was under way.Strikers forbade any trains through the town of Martinsburg.Local authorities were sent out but were unsuccessful on getting the trains running again. The number of strikers grew.After sometime, the strike encompassed more then simply railroad workers.The strike involved workers from a variety of other occupations as well. The strike spread and started occurring in other parts of the country and parts of Europe. The strikers were given an image of beggars and not the image of a hard worker asking for a decent wage.This misportrayed image was given to these strikers by newspapers that were being controlled by corporations.The acts of strikers setting trains and roundhouses on fire were deeply etched in the communities head. Perhaps it gets over looked or forgotten, but it was in fact the acts of upset citizens, opposed to the railroad rates that initiated most, if not all, fires.Millions of workers which had immigrated from other countries in hopes of being better off than they were; had their hopes and inspirations of success crushed.The compression of these hopes was the work they acquired when they settled. The companies rewarded stockholders but were holding out on the workers.The companies paid a worker around a dollar a day.The employers regarded that dollar a day as enough for living for the worker and the workers family.The companies werent surprised by the strike for they set laws before the laws even existed. For example railroad owners had a law passed making it illegal to go on strike with out returning locomotives to the roundhouse (s
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Marketing Plan Assignment Sample
Marketing Plan Assignment Sample Marketing Plan Assignment Sample Marketing plan assignment sample is worked out to provide an example of the plan that will help to define the further directions of the company and identify its primary needs to achieve the stated aims. Marketing plan consists of the particular sections that include: market research (gathering and classifying the current data about the market of the the organization as well as its dynamics, customers, competition, and the current sales volume for the industry as a whole), market plan strategies (include advertising, direct marketing, training programs, trade shows, website), marketing plan budget (means that top managers need to review their current financial situation), and marketing goals (monitoring of the marketing plan results). Besides, the organization needs to identify the strategies that are working and those that are not working. Before performing the marketing analysis, an understanding of the core term has to be achieved. Thus, market research means gathering and classifying the current data about the market of the organization. Besides, a short introduction to the company itself has to be performed. The company PeopleAhead works with the improvement of the career advancement. Particularly, it provides a basis for the potential employees to find, advance, and develop the careers they already have by sharing their aims, holding conversations on their professional opportunities and development plans, and communication with other professionals in the related areas. On the basis of the examining of the market dynamics, customers, and the current sales volume for the industry as a whole, it has been revealed that the company currently helps people with the career advancement and improve the human capital in the organizations. The website of the company acts as a networking platform for the professionals and career matching. The market dynamics is reported to be positive. Besides, the company has its constant customers and productive sales. The examining of the competition will be focused on the small and medium businesses as these entities are underserved by the great competitors in the online recruitment market. Simultaneously, such choice stems from the fact that this demographic has a less effective recruitment procedure that would cause advantages mostly from the services of PeopleAhead. Within this segment, the HR managers are responsible for the sourcing of the applicants. The market plan strategies are the following: the company will become the leader of the career advancement online service where people would create a history and establish the connections in the place that would make the company a staple among the chosen websites. The company will deliver the professional development and the career opportunities to provide people with the opportunity to create the professional records and useful career advancement instruments. The marketing plan budget is the following: the overall cost structure would include the administrative and general operating expenses, the sales agent salaries, and marketing. The first year, marketing monthly costs are considered to be $6,250. Monthly overhead is expecting to achieve $24,750 and be constant. The marketing goals are: to use the brand matching technology; to establish a critical mass of the customers; to drive the traffic to the site through the marketing blitzes; and to start using the word-of-mouth advertising from the satisfied customers. Monitoring of the marketing plan results has to be performed as well. At you can buy a custom marketing plan online. All you need is to fill in the order form at your site.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Strategic Consulting in Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Strategic Consulting in Practice - Essay Example Moreover, it faces competition from other grocery stores that are situated around it who may offer lower prices for similar goods and therefore have stronger bargaining power. In order to come up with our analysis, we have utilized many sources that provide all the important information for the business plan. First, Fresh Green Grocers has actively engaged customers through interviewing them on what their current experience is and what should be done in order that the business serves them better. The business also relies on the feedback of the customers after they have bought the goods or the products from the grocery store. Fresh Green Grocers also relies on the social media such as Facebook and Twitter and other forum that are meant to relay the experience that a person has after buying the grocery from their store. Fresh Green Grocers can exploit its strengths and opportunities, which include the fact that it is conveniently situated in areas, which are densely populated and experience high human traffic and the fact that its products are priced affordably. It also provides a variety of produce, which are derived from several suppliers within its roll of suppliers. The store also offers their customers fresh produce that are packaged in environmental friendly papers and containers that ensure that they do not perish within the shortest time. The weaknesses include the fact that some customers fail to give the desired feedback to the store, which is important for the improvement of service delivery while those that give feedback may lie. The store has also not established an effective marketing strategy to market the product as shown by the clear lack of a viable marketing mix. Fresh Green Grocers also experiences challenges in refrigerating or properly preserving some of its produce as it deals mostly in perishable groceries. Further, the store faces challenges in having constant and continuous supply of the groceries to be offered for sale. The
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