Wednesday, November 27, 2019
To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Example
To Kill a Mockingbird Essay How does Jem and Scout change during the course of the novel? How do they stay the same? Through the perspectives of Jem and Scout Finch, the world’s famous classic, Harper Lee’s â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird†, explores adults’ discrimination towards race and colour, as Atticus Finch defends a Negro. Caught in the midst of it all, his children were forced to experience the severe consequences. Reluctant at first, Jem and Scout took everything to heart, but over a period of time, they gradually learnt to tolerate it as they grow into maturity. Throughout the novel, Jem Finch had transformed from an impulsive, mischievous boy into a responsible, thoughtful grown up. â€Å"No’, said Miss Stephanie. â€Å"Shot in the air. Scared him pale though. Says if anybody sees†¦ swiftly in front of Jem. â€Å"Yawl, write, hear? †he bawled after us. ’ (pp. 60 – 61) In the first part of the novel, Jem was almost caught for spying on his neighbors. This was a very foolish act from Jem as he should have known better than to infiltrate someone else’s property. But in the second half the novel, Jem seems to have evolved immensely. You oughta let your mother know where you are†, said Jem. â€Å"You oughta let your mother know you’re†¦ without your mother knowing’. †(pp. 155 – 156). Jem has good potential in notifying Atticus of Dill’s arrival. Even though, it meant betraying his friend’s loyalty, Jem had made the right decision. Jem’s rapid development had introduced him to the injustice of the adult world. Although, Jem had made a miraculous transition, Scout had her own story. â€Å"Aunt Alexandra was fanatical on the subject of my attire. I could not possibly hope He didn’t mind me much the way I do†. (p. 0) Aunt Alexandra was concerned about Scout physically and mentally. She thinks Scout should dress and behave more in a ladylike way, even though Scout was just satisfied with the way she was. With this in mind, Aunt Alexandra decided to lend a hand. â€Å"Jem’s growing up now and you are too†, she said to me. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer †We decided that it would be best for to have some feminine influence. †(p. 140) Aunt Alexandra was coming to live with Jem and Scout, in the hopes of having an impact on Scout. However, it was not until the very end that Scout actually benefited from her aunt’s stay. Mr. Arthur, bend your arm down here, like that. That’s right†¦ escorting me down the sidewalk, as any gentleman would. †(p. 306) Scout had put her ladylike skills into practice by the way she had helped Boo Radley act like a gentleman. Consequently it was under Aunt Alexandra’s influence that Scout was able to successfully become a lady. Despite the fact that Jem and Scout both have to deal with their own dilemma, they always look out for one another. ‘When Jem came home he asked me where I got such a wad. I told him I found it†¦ You’ll get killed if you do! †(p. 7) Jem was very vigilant of his Scout, he is always worried about her safety and wellbe ing. Being the youngest, Scout is often causing a lot of chaos. Though in a similar way, Scout always came to Jem’s defense. â€Å"I’ll send him home†, a burly man said, and grabbed Jem roughly by the collar. He yanked Jem nearly.. nobody gonna do Jem that way,†I said. ’ (p. 168) Scout is very protective of her brother. She doesn’t like to see him hurt or harmed by strangers. This emphasizes that Jem and Scout care a lot about each other and will always be there for each other. Jem and Scout’s inseparable siblings bond had helped each other though difficult times. Apart from their close connection, Jem and Scout’s relationship with Atticus is very strong. ‘With this in mind, I faced Cecil Jacobs in the school yard the next day. â€Å"You gonna take that back, boy? ††¦ I would let Atticus down. ’ With her pride at stake, Scout was about to get into another fight, but then refrained at the last minute and thought about Atticus. She knew if she continued Atticus would be very disappointed and sad. This encapsulates Scout’s faithfulness to her father; she wanted him to be proud of her. Alternatively, Jem cares for Atticus in a slightly different manner. â€Å"Scout, try to not antagonize Aunt, hear? †Atticus’ remarks were still rankling, which made me miss the request in Jem’s question. My†¦ now for my edification and instruction. ’ (pp. 151 – 152) This demonstrates Jem’s consideration and love for Atticus. Jem really worries about Atticus and so he tells Scout to not disturb him. Jem is aware of what Atticus is going through and doesn’t want Scout, on top of it all, to cause him more istress. Jem and Scout, each express their affection for Atticus in different ways, Jem cares for Atticus through the approach of understanding his situation, whereas Scout would listen and follow Atticus’ instructions. It is therefore evidence that Jem and Scout had adapted to many obstacles as they grown into maturity. Without the support from each other, they would not have made it through. From an impulsive boy and a tomboyish girl, Jem and Scout had materialized into a responsible grown up boy and a lady. To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Example To Kill a Mockingbird Essay The book is set in the year 1933 in a small town called Maycomb, Alabama. In 1933 slavery is no longer legal but racism is common among people. At this time in the south the town is divided by race. This is portrayed in the town by different churches, schools, and communities. The theme of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is how racial prejudice hurts people, which are illustrated by Bob Ewell, the lynch mob, and Lula. One example of racism in To Kill a Mockingbird is Bob Ewell.Bob see’s Mayella and Tom Robinson through a window and is very mad. He’s not only mad because his oldest daughter is with someone in his kitchen, it’s because she was with a black man in his kitchen. Bob Ewell has no problem lying in court and making Mayella lie in court. Instead of telling the truth by saying he beat Mayella for letting a black man into his house, he makes up a whole story about what happened that day because he is racist. He even expresses his racism in court in fron t of the jury, judge, and audience.When testifying at the witness stand he says,†I seen that black negro yonder ruttin’ on my Mayella! †(Lee 173). Bob Ewell doesn’t hold back his racial prejudice for the courtroom. When Mayella is in the kitchen with Tom Robinson, Bob Ewell gets very angry. His character represents how some people in Maycomb just have a problem interacting with other races. Bob Ewell is a racist man. Another example of racism in To Kill a Mockingbird is the mob that comes to lynch Tom Robinson. To lynch somebody means to hang them without police involved or a legal process used.The mob is made up of citizens of Maycomb who want to take the law into their own hands. They feel that a trial is not necessary and that Tom Robinson should be killed no matter what actually happened because he is black. They think that an accusation from one of the most selfish, uneducated, racist families in Maycomb is enough to have a black man killed. This mob represents the majority of the townsfolk. These people like Mr. Cunningham are average Maycomb citizens. They are extremely racist and won’t even think twice about lynching an accused man like Tom Robinson.When they try to lynch Tom while he’s in prison, Atticus defends him. †He in there Mr. Finch? ’ a man said. ‘He is,’ we heard Atticus answer,’ and he’s asleep, don’t wake him up. ’ ‘You know what we want, another man said, ‘get aside from the door Mr. Finch. ’ ‘You can turn around and go home again, Walter†(Lee 151). This quote shows that the mob is clearly going to lynch Tom Robinson because he is a black man accused of rape. The mob went after Tom Robinson only because he is black, therefore, shows the racism in the book. Racism is present in most of the townsfolk.Another example of racism in To Kill a Mockingbird is Lula. Calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to her church because the k ids aren’t responsible to go by themselves to their church. When she brings the kids there, they are the only white people at the church. She is confronted by another member of the church, Lula. †She spoke quietly, contemptuously. ’ I wants to know why you brinin’ white chillun to a negro church. ’ ‘Theys my comp’ny. ’ Said Calpurnia. Lula said,’ you ain’t got no business bringin’ white chillun here-they got their church, we got our’n.It is our church, ain’t it Miss Cal? ‘It’s the same God ain’t it? ’ (Lee 119). This represents the racism directed toward white people. This also shows that Calpurnia doesn’t have any racial prejudice and that she wants equality between people. By defending Jem and Scout and standing up to the racism, Calpurnia is able to use God to show people that racism is bad no matter who it is directed towards. This quote shows that racism i n the book is not only directed towards black people. This scene shows that sometimes black people can be racist towards white people.Racsim in the book can be directed towards anybody. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee has many themes, but the main one is how racism puts people down which is portrayed by Lee through Bob Ewell, the lynch mob, and Lula. The reader learns that that U. S. history has a lot of racial prejudice. Also, that almost everybody in the south is racist and that few people stood up to it. The reader also learns that racism was a very common excuse for killing people. The reader also learns that prejudice can be directed towards any race, religion, or group of people.
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